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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell > Photos > 2004 > March 

Secretary Powell Visit to South Asia and the Middle East

Various Locations
March 21, 2004

Secretary Powell visited South Asia and the Middle East March 14-21, 2004. He met with senior officials and political leaders in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to discuss a range of bilateral and security matters, including regional issues. In India, he discussed the next steps and beyond in our strategic relationship.   Click on photo for larger image and caption.

Secretary Powell speaking to students while visiting Pakistan. State Department Photo. Secretary Powell with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal. Secretary Powell Meets with Afghan Women Remarks At “Meet and Greet” Event With Coalition Provisional Authority Personnel and Troops

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