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Under Secretary for Management
Bureau of Human Resources
Family Liaison Office
Community Liaison

Community Liaison

 Community Liaison Offices Worldwide

The Community Liaison program provides support to U.S. government employees and family members who are assigned to American embassies and consulates abroad. This material is specific to Foreign Service employees and their families.

The commitment of the Department of State to the well-being of personnel and their families is manifested in its support of Community Liaison Office Coordinators (CLOs) at overseas posts. The CLO position at a U.S. Mission overseas is filled by the spouse of a USG direct-hire employee assigned to that post.  The CLO works with community members to maintain high morale through orientation activities, cultural and recreational programs, dissemination of information, counseling and referral, and assistance with security, education, and employment for family members. The Family Liaison Office manages the program worldwide, providing training, program and staffing guidance, resources, and advocacy.

CLO responsibilites are outlined in this brochure.

Information provided by the Family Liaison Office.
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