October 28, 2008

Office of Press and Public Diplomacy
United States Mission to the United Nations
140 East 45th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017
Statement by Zalmay Khalilzad, United States Permanent Representative, on the Situation in Darfur, in the Security Council Chamber, October 28, 2008

Thank you very much, Mr. President

The representative of Sudan mentioned the abduction of the Chinese workers. The United States condemns the abduction that took place in South Kordofan state last week as articulated in our October 21 Department of State press statement.

The United States is aware of reports that five Chinese workers were killed during a rescue attempt in South Kordofan state. If these reports are confirmed, we would express our regret for these deaths, extend our sympathy to the victims’ families, and encourage the Government of Sudan and the United Nations Mission in the Sudan to investigate this incident expeditiously so that the perpetrators could be formally identified and brought to justice.

The United States reiterates its condemnation of all violence in Sudan. Violence by the government and violence by the rebels. All parties must refrain from violence in favor of peace and dialogue.

In this regard, the government of Sudan has a special responsibility. It must cease engaging in those areas of concern documented in the Sudan panel of experts’ most recent report, including:

• Violating the limited arms embargo on Darfur.

• Using aircraft painted to resemble UN humanitarian aircraft

• Conducting offensive overflights in Darfur.

• And failing to implement the Security Council-mandated sanctions.

• And not accepting that there is no impunity for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Thank you, Mr. President.