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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > Secretary Rice: 2006 Travel 

Secretary Rice: Travel to Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, February 28 - March 5, 2006

President George W. Bush shakes hands with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai during a press conference after making a surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, March 1, 2006. [© AP/WWP]
President Bush shakes hands with Afghan President Karzai during a surprise visit to Afghanistan.
The President and Secretary Rice traveled to India and Pakistan. The U.S. looks forward to working with each country to fight terrorism, advance democracy, expand free and fair trade, and meet our common energy needs in a responsible way.

On March 1, 2006, President Bush visited with U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan, met with President Hamid Karzai, and dedicated the new U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

See White House photo galleries: March 1, 2, 3, 4.

Remarks by President Bush
03/04/06  President's Radio Address on South Asia Trip
03/04/06  President and Mrs. Bush Participate in State Dinner in Pakistan
03/04/06  Remarks by President Bush and President Musharraf of Pakistan
03/04/06  Remarks by the President in Roundtable with Representatives of Pakistani Society
03/03/06  President Discusses Strong U.S.-India Partnership in New Delhi, India
03/03/06  President Meets with Young Entrepreneurs at Indian School of Business
03/02/06  President Thanks Prime Minister and India at State Dinner in New Delhi 
03/02/06  Remarks by President Bush After Meeting wth Religious Leaders 
03/02/06  President and Prime Minister Singh Exchange Toasts in India
03/02/06  Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
03/02/06  Remarks by the President in Meeting With American and Indian CEO's 
President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressing a Joint Press Conference at Hyderabad House in New Delhi, March 2, 2006. State Department photo.
President Bush and Prime Minister Singh addressing a press conference in New Delhi.

03/01/06  President Thanks U.S. and Coalition Troops in Afghanistan
03/01/06  President and Mrs. Bush Dedicate U.S. Embassy Building in Afghanistan
03/01/06  President meets with President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan 
02/24/06  Interview of the President by Doordarshan, India
02/24/06  Interview of the President by PTV, Pakistan
02/22/06  Roundtable Interview of the President by Indian Journalists
02/22/06  President Addresses Asia Society, Discusses India and Pakistan
02/22/06  Roundtable Interview of the President by Pakistani Journalists

Remarks by Secretary Rice
03/04/06  Press Briefing in Pakistan
03/02/06  Interview With Kishore Ajwani, News Anchor and Deputy Executive Producer, Zee News
02/28/06  Briefing with National Security Advisor Hadley En Route Shannon, Ireland

Related Information
White House Site on the President's Travel to India and Pakistan

Other Releases
03/08/06  India Civil Nuclear Cooperation: Responding to Critics
03/04/06  U.S.-Pakistan Joint Statement
03/03/06  Interview of Under Secretary Burns with The Headlines Today (India Today)
03/03/06  Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary Boucher and National Security Council Senior Director Millard
03/02/06  Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley 
Press Briefing in India by Under Secretary Burns
03/02/06  U.S.-India Joint Statement
03/02/06  U.S.-India Joint Statement on Trade
03/01/06  Press Briefing by Scott McClellan and Joe Hagin En Route Afghanistan
02/27/06 Fact Sheet - The United States and India: A Growing Strategic Partnership
02/24/06 Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley on the President's Trip to India and Pakistan

Fact Sheets
03/07/06  U.S.-India Cooperation in Health, Biomedical Research
03/04/06  Fact Sheet: United States and Pakistan: Long-Term Strategic Partners
03/04/06  United States – Pakistan Cooperation in Science and Technology
03/04/06  United States – Pakistan Cooperation on Education
03/04/06  United States- Pakistan Economic Cooperation
03/03/06  U.S.-India Cyber Security Forum: Enhanced Cooperation to Safeguard Shared Information Infrastructures
03/02/06  USTDA Activities in India
03/02/06  USTDA Initiative Promotes Cooperation in the Development of India’s Biotechnology Market
03/02/06  Fact Sheet: United States and India: Strategic Partnership
03/02/06  India and United States Agree to Bold New Steps to Save Wildlife
03/02/06  The U.S.-India Economic Dialogue
03/02/06  U.S. - India to Establish a Bi-National Science and Technology Commission
03/02/06  U.S.- India Space Cooperation
03/02/06  U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: U.S. - India Cooperation on Information and Communications Technologies
03/02/06  U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: U.S. - India Financial and Economic Forum
03/02/06  U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: U.S. and India Issue Joint Statement on Trade
03/02/06  U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue
03/02/06  U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: U.S.-India High Technology Cooperation Group
03/02/06  U.S.–India Knowledge Initiative on Agricultural Education, Teaching, Research, Service, and Commercial Linkages
03/01/06  Environment Track of the U.S.- India Economic Dialogue

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