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David Campbell Mulford
Ambassador, India
Term of Appointment: 01/23/2004 to present

Ambassador to India David C. MulfordDr. Mulford was nominated by President Bush to be the United States Ambassador to India on November 13, 2003. He was confirmed by the Senate on December 9 and was officially sworn in on January 23, 2004.

Before being nominated as the U.S. Ambassador to India, Dr. Mulford served as Chairman International of Credit Suisse First Boston, based in London. From 1992 to 2003, Dr. Mulford was responsible for leading Credit Suisse First Boston's worldwide, large-scale privatisation business and other corporate and government advisory assignments.

Dr. Mulford was Under Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs during the period 1984 TO 1992. He served as the senior international economic policy official at the Treasury under Secretaries Regan, Baker and Brady. Among the highlights of Dr. Mulford's responsibilities and accomplishments at the Treasury Department include: U.S. Deputy for coordination of economic policies with other G-7 industrial nations; Head of the Administration's Yen/Dollar negotiations with Japan; the Administration's senior advisor on financial assistance to Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union; leadership of the Administration's international debt strategy, and the development and implementation of the Baker/Brady Plans and President Bush's Enterprise Initiative for the Americas. Dr. Mulford also led both the U.S. Delegation to negotiate the establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the G-7 negotiations to reduce Poland's official bilateral debt.

Before his Government service, Dr. Mulford was a Managing Director and Head of International Finance at White, Weld & Co., Inc., with responsibility for coordinating efforts with Credit Suisse on international financial business (1966 to 1974). During this period, he was seconded to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA), where he served as senior investment advisor (1974 to 1983). His responsibilities included managing the investment of Saudi oil revenues and developing a comprehensive investment programme for SAMA. He also served as a Special Assistant to the Secretary and Under Secretary of the Treasury as a White House Fellow (1965 to 1966) in the first year of the White House Fellowship Program.

Dr. Mulford received a Doctor of Philosophy degree (D.Phil.) from Oxford University (1966), an M.A. in Political Science from Boston University (1962) and a B.A. in Economics, cum laude, from Lawrence University in Appleton, WI (1959). He received an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Lawrence University (1984), the Legion d'Honneur from the President of France (1990), the Distinguished Alumni Award from Boston University (1992), the Alexander Hamilton Award, the highest honor to be bestowed by the Secretary of the Treasury for extraordinary service and benefit to the Treasury Department and the Nation (1992), the Order of May for Merit from the President of Argentina (1993) and The Officer's Cross of the Medal of Merit from the President of Poland (1995). Dr. Mulford is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is affiliated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.

Released on January 23, 2004

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