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Americans with Disabilities Act
A selected bilbiography of materials in the Wirtz Labor Library Collection

Leavitt, Moses A.
Handicapped Wage Earners: As Studied by a Family Welfare Agency.
New York, 1928.
This text discusses the "selling" of the handicapped to small-minded, ill-informed employers.


La Dame, Mary
Employment for the Handicapped: A Study of Placement Agencies for this Group in New York City.
New York, 1927.

This text is significant because it is an early example of organized advocacy for the disabled in an era that predates much of the legislation that supported this overlooked minority. Moreover, like the previous text, despite its overall humanistic tone, it is peppered with many of the terms that have become offensive in recent years and in this way shows its antiquity.

Jaffe A.J. and Lincoln H. Day
Disabled Workers in the Labor Market. New Jersey, 1964.

Despite the difference of forty years, this book reflects the same tone as the La Dame book. It is an analysis of the advocacy groups for the disabled, and the conditions under which the disabled work if they work at all. It is interesting to note that this book was published the same year as the enaction of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a document that is historically recognized as an early step toward the ADA.

Jacobs, Arthur T.
How to Use Handicapped Workers. New York, 1946.

This book is primarily a guide to employers. Despite it's publication date, it has a progressive and forward-thinking tone. It serves to inform, and to dispel the prevailing myths that surrounded the employment the handicapped in the forties by interpreting the various pertinent legislation. It has a section about the various disabilities, their causes, and the extent to which they impair the worker. It even has a section called, "We're All Handicapped", that reminds the reader that "nobody's perfect."


Rugh, Jack Leighton
Jobs for the Handicapped. California, 1983.
HD7256.U52 C2
This is a history of the West San Gabriel Valley Mayors' Committee for Employment of the Handicapped.


U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook.
Washington,D.C., 1992

See also, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Americans with Disabilities Act home page and Facts About the Americans with Disabilities Act


Bednar, Michael J.
Barrier Free Environments. Washington,D.C., 1977.

This book includes a number of photographs and diagrams of handicap accessible buildings. It not only includes pictures of ideal environments, but it also includes examples of non-accessible environments.

See also, the Access Board, an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities.


Presidents Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Disabled Women in America: A Statistical Report Drawn from Census Bureau Data.
Washington, D.C., 1984.

This Committee evolved into DOL's Office of Disability Employment Policy in FY2001. See ODEP's Publications and Statistics About People with Disabilities and Employment.

See also, the Census Bureau's Disability Data.


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