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Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Countries and Other Areas
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--07/09/08  Remarks With Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Sofia, Bulgaria
--07/09/08  Remarks at Stara Planina Awards Ceremony ; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Presidency; Sofia, Bulgaria
--01/04/08  Remarks With the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin At the Signing of the Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement Ceremony; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC

--06/11/07  President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with President Parvanov of Bulgaria; President George W. Bush; Archaeological Museum; Sofia, Bulgaria
--06/11/07  President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Free Market Democracy; President George W. Bush; American University in Bulgaria, Eleiff Center for Education and Culture; Sofia, Bulgaria
--06/11/07  Remarks by President Bush and President Parvanov of Bulgaria in An Exchange of Toasts; President George W. Bush; Sunny Hall National Museum of History; Sofia, Bulgaria
--05/31/07  Interview of the President by Boyko Vassilev Petrov, BNT, Bulgaria; President George W. Bush; The Map Room; Washington, DC
--12/19/06  Remarks With Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--04/28/06  Remarks After Signing Defense Cooperation Agreement; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Sofia, Bulgaria
--04/27/06  Remarks After NATO Ministerial Meeting ; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Sofia, Bulgaria
--04/24/06  Secretary Rice's Participation in NATO Ministerial and Visits ; Kurt Volker, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/30/05  Remarks With Foreign Minister Solomon Passy of Bulgaria; Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary Of State ; Sofia, Bulgaria

--12/07/04  Bulgarian Youth Town Hall; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Sheraton Hotel; Sofia, Bulgaria
--12/07/04  Interview With Luba Rizova of BTV (Bulgarian TV); Secretary Colin L. Powell; Sheraton Hotel; Sofia, Bulgaria
--12/07/04  Remarks With Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy; Secretary Colin L. Powell; NDK Conference Site; Sofia, Bulgaria
--12/07/04  Remarks With Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanov At Award Ceremony ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Presidential Palace, Coat of Arms Hall; Sofia, Bulgaria
--12/07/04  Remarks to the Ministerial Meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; NDK Conference Site; Sofia, Bulgaria
--12/06/04  Remarks at Stakeout Upon Arrival in Sofia; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Airport; Sofia, Bulgaria
--07/22/04  Remarks with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy; Secretary Colin L. Powell; C Street Entrance; Washington, DC
--05/05/04  Remarks with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/28/04  Press Stakeout After Meeting with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Germanys Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Berlin, Germany
--03/29/04  Remarks at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Accession Lunch; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Department of the Treasury; Washington, DC
--03/29/04  President Bush Welcomes Seven Nations to the NATO Alliance; President George W. Bush; The South Lawn; Washington, DC
--02/26/04  Remarks After Meeting With Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC

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