United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Resolution Management

OEDCA Digest


OEDCA logo - Picture of scales  OEDCA DIGEST  OEDCA logo - Picture of scales  
Office of Employment Discrimination Complaint Adjudication

Summaries of Selected Decisions Issued by the Office of Employment Discrimination Complaint Adjudication

The OEDCA Digest is viewable as both an adobe acrobat (pdf) file and as a word document. Please select the icon of your choice.

Hammer of Justice

 Volume XI, No.2 
Spring 2008

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 Volume XI, No.1 
Winter 2008

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Hammer of Justice

For back issues of the OEDCA Digest which are also viewable as adobe acrobat (pdf) files and word documents, please select the issue of your choice.