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Press Release Archive 2004


December 21, 2004
Substantial Declines in Teen Drug Use

December 7, 2004
New Ad Campaign for African American Parents Aims to Reduce Teen Drug Use

December 2, 2004
Drugged Driving Poses Serious Safety Risk to Teens


November 19, 2004
Estimated Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan

November 3, 2004
White House Drug Czar: Failure of Alaska's Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiative is Resounding Public Health Victory


October 25, 2004
White House, Department of Justice Release First-Ever Comprehensive National Action Plan to Reduce Synthetic Drug Production, Trafficking, and Abuse

October 19, 2004
New Initiative Urges Early Action Against Teen Drug Use

October 1, 2004
U.S. Drug Czar John Walters Announces Six New Counties to be Designated as High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas in the Southern Region of Ohio


September 27, 2004
Drug Free Communities Program to Move to the Department of Health of Health and Human Services' Center for Substance Abuse Prevention October 1st, 2004

September 27, 2004
White House Drug Czar Awards $70 Million for Community Anti-Drug Coalition Grants


August 25, 2004
Parents: Do Your Homework as Teens Head Back-to-School


July 9, 2004
Dr. Andrea Barthwell to Leave as ONDCP Deputy Director


June 4, 2004
Summer Time Is the High Time for New Teen Marijuana Use


May 21, 2004
Centers for Disease Control Survey Shows Reduction in Youth Drug Use


March 22, 2004
2003 Coca Cultivation Estimates for Colombia

March 16, 2004
“Early Intervention” Anti-Drug Ads Prove Highly Effective

March 1, 2004
U.S. Drug Prevention, Treatment, Enforcement Agencies Take on “Doctor Shoppers,” “Pill Mills”


February 25, 2004
New Survey Shows More Teens Recognize Harms of Marijuana


January 29, 2004
New Initiative Harnesses Power of Peers, Parents to Stop Teen Drug Use

January 21, 2004
President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Remarks on Reducing Drug Use

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