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  A Current Events Calendar for the Northeast Regional Office

The Lobby Gallery

The Lobby Gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday except federal holidays. There is no charge for admission. Adults will be asked to show a photo I.D. to enter the building. For more information, call 413/253-8303.

Pelham Artist Displays Bird Sculptures

The Northeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, hosts an exhibit by area artist Holland Hoagland, of Pelham, Mass., in the Lobby Gallery from July 2 to August 29. Hoagland’s exhibit consists of bird sculptures created with a variety of Asian plant papers and painted with acrylics.

Green heron. Credit: (c)Hoagland, by permission
Green heron. Credit: (c)Hoagland, by permission

With over 40 years of experience as a wildlife artist, Hoagland has mounted many exhibits, conducted sculpture workshops, taught art classes and has garnered both national and international commissions. Her use of the unique media of plant papers from different Asian countries enables her to understand and apply "feathering" in her bird art. One of Hoagland’s most inspiring sculptures stands in front of the Pelham Elementary School in Pelham, Mass. It is a 10 foot-tall tree sculpture depicting many animals in four ecological biomes. It was carved as a tribute to the earth, and Hoagland feels a great honor in knowing the sculpture is enjoyed by school children and the community.

Hoagland will host a public reception in the gallery from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, August 7.