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Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
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2002 Remarks About Near Eastern Affairs

November - December
--12/30/02  Exerpt on Yemen: December 30 Daily Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--12/20/02  President Welcomes Quartet Principals to White House ; President George W. Bush; Photo Opportunity with the Quartet Principals; The Oval Office
--12/19/02  Press Conference on Iraq Declaration; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio; DSL/cable; dial-up modem]
--12/12/02  The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative: Building Hope for the Years Ahead; Secretary Colin L. Powell; The Heritage Foundation; Washington, DC
--12/09/02  Assistant Secretary Burns' Press Conference in Rabat, Morocco; Ambassador William Burns, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Press Conference; Rabat, Morocco
--11/21/02  Secretary Powell: Interview on NBC News With Brian Williams
--11/21/02  Secretary Powell: Interview on the CBS Evening News With Dan Rather
--11/21/02  Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Prague, Czech Republic
--11/18/02  Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs: Newspaper Interview with three Arab News Media
--11/15/02  Deputy Secretary Armitage: Interview on Abu Dhabi TV
--11/15/02  Deputy Secretary Armitage: Interview on Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation
--11/15/02  Deputy Secretary Armitage: Interview on Middle East Broadcasting Corporation
--11/15/02  Deputy Secretary Armitage: Interview on Radio Sawa
--11/12/02  Exerpts: November 12 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--11/10/02  Secretary Powell: Op-Ed on Baghdad's Moment of Truth
--11/08/02  Rebuilding Hope: American Middle East Policy in the Years Ahead; William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Remarks to the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs; Baltimore, Maryland
--11/08/02  Remarks by the President on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441; President George W. Bush; The Rose Garden, The White House; Washington, DC
--11/07/02  Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner ; President George W. Bush; State Dining Room ; Washington, DC
--11/07/02  Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner (Audio and Video in Arabic) ; President George W. Bush; State Dining Room ; Washington, DC
--11/07/02  TV Interview from U.S. Ambassador's Residence; Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Rabat, Morocco
--11/07/02  Under Secretary for Political Affairs Marc Grossman: Press Conference in Rabat, Morocco
--11/06/02  Under Secretary for Political Affairs Marc Grossman: Press Conference in Algiers, Algeria
--11/05/02  Presidential Greeting: Ramadan ; President George W. Bush; Released by the Office of the Press Secretary, the White House ; Washington, DC
--11/05/02  Press Briefing in Tunisia; Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs ; Tunis, Tunisia

July - October
--10/30/02  Interview by Alan Nathan of Radio America; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--10/30/02  Interview by Charlie Sykes of WTMJ Milwaukee; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--10/30/02  Public Diplomacy: Reaching Out to Islamic Countries (Exerpt from October 30 Press Briefing); Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--10/16/02  President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Sharon to White House; Question and Answer Session with the Press; President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel; The Oval Office, The White House; Washington, DC
--10/16/02  President Signs Iraq Resolution ; President George W. Bush; The White House, Office of the Press Secretary ; Washington, DC
--10/07/02  President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat; President George W. Bush; Cincinnati Museum Center - Cincinnati Union Terminal; Cincinnati, Ohio
--09/24/02  Exerpts: September 24 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--09/23/02  Exerpts: September 23 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--09/19/02  Interview on NPR's Morning Edition With Alex Chadwick; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--09/19/02  President Bush to Send Iraq Resolution to Congress Today ; President George W. Bush; Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with Secretary of State Colin Powell ; The Oval Office, Washington, DC
--09/18/02  Exerpts: September 18 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--09/12/02  President Bush's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly ; President George W. Bush; New York, New York
--09/10/02  Exerpts: September 10 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--09/10/02  Lebanon: Hizballah Terrorist Attacks (Taken Question)
--09/09/02  Exerpts: September 9 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--09/08/02  Interview on Fox News Sunday ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--09/04/02  Secretary Powell: Press Briefing
--09/04/02  Secretary Powell: Interview on CNN
--09/04/02  Richard Boucher, Spokesman: Remarks to the Press after the Secretary of State's WSSD Intervention
--09/03/02  Secretary Powell: Press Briefing on Board Plane with Actor Chris Tucker
--08/29/02  Exerpts: August 29 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/28/02  Exerpts: August 28 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/27/02  Exerpts: August 27 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/26/02  Exerpts: August 26 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/19/02  Exerpts: August 19 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/15/02  Exerpts: August 15 Press Briefing ; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/14/02  Exerpts: August 14 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/13/02  Exerpts: August 13 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/13/02  Remarks With Foreign Minister Palacio of Spain ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; C Street Entrance; Washington, DC
--08/12/02  Exerpts: August 12 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/09/02  Designation of a Foreign Terrorist Organization; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--08/08/02  Exerpts: August 8 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/08/02  Press Remarks With Saeb Erekat, Palestinian Delegation Member; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Press availability following meeting; Washington, DC
--08/07/02  Exerpts: August 7 Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--08/06/02  Exerpt: August 6 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/05/02  Exerpts: August 5 Press Briefing; Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Washington, DC
--08/03/02  Press Briefing; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Manila, Philippines
--08/01/02  Joint Press Conference With ASEAN Foreign Ministers; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Main Conference Hall; Brunei
--07/18/02  Interview on the Diane Rehm Show; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--07/18/02  Remarks With Egyptian, Jordanian, and Saudi Foreign Ministers After Working Lunch; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--07/16/02  Remarks at UN Secretary General's Residence; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Outside the UN Secretary General's Residence; New York, New York
--07/16/02  Press Availability Following Meeting of the Quartet; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Empire Room, Waldorf-Astoria; New York, New York
--07/15/02  Secretary Powell's Interview on ABC's Nightline With Ted Koppel
--07/11/02  Efforts to Promote Peace in the Middle East; David Satterfield , Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs ; Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia ; Washington, DC
--07/02/02  Interview on CNN With Andrea Koppel; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--07/01/02  Exerpts: July 1 Press Briefing; Richard N. Haass, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC

May - June
--06/30/02  Interview on ABC's This Week; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/30/02  Interview on CBS' Face the Nation; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/30/02  Interview on Fox News Sunday; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/28/02  Excerpts: June 28, 2002 Press Briefing (Mideast); Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on ABC's World News Tonight; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on CBS's Evening News; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on CNN's Connie Chung Tonight; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on Fox's Special Report; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on NBC's Nightly News; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on NPR's Morning Edition; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/25/02  Interview on Radio Sawa; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--06/24/02  Mutual Support and Responsibility: The Course Ahead for the U.S.-Egyptian Partnership; C. David Welch , Ambassador to Egypt; Remarks to the (Egyptian) Council on Foreign Affairs ; Cairo, Egypt
--06/24/02  President Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership ; President George W. Bush; The Rose Garden; Washington, DC
--06/18/02  Challenges in the Middle East; William J. Burns , Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs ; Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia; Washington, DC
--06/14/02  Excerpts: June 14, 2002 Press Briefing (Iraq, Mideast); Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--06/13/02  CTV News Interview; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Whistler, Canada
--06/13/02  Joint Press Conference With Canadian Foreign Minister Graham; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Whistler, Canada
--06/12/02  Secretary Powell: Press Briefing en route to G-8 Conference
--06/10/02  Excerpts: June 10, 2002 Press Briefing (Iraq, Libya); Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--06/10/02  President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sharon of Israel; President George W. Bush; Remarks to the Press in a Photo Opportunity; Washington, DC
--06/08/02  President Bush Meets with Egyptian President Mubarak ; President George W. Bush; Remarks to the Press; Released by the Office of the White House Press Secretary; Camp David, Maryland
--06/07/02  Excerpts: June 7, 2002 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--06/04/02  Exerpts: June 4, 2002 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--05/28/02  Press Briefing on the President's Trip to Europe; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Practica Di Mare Air Force Base; Rome, Italy
--05/24/02  Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East ; President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin ; The White House, Office of the Press Secretary ; Moscow, Russia
--05/20/02  Exerpt: May 20, 2002 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--05/16/02  Exerpts: May 16, 2002 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Press Briefing; Washington, DC
--05/15/02  The United States, Europe, and the Muslim World: Revitalizing Relations After September 11; Charlotte Beers, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Washington, DC
--05/08/02  Remarks with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw after their Meeting; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio]
--05/07/02  U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds; Charlotte Beers, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs ; Remarks at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy ; Washington, DC
--05/06/02  Remarks With Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio]
--05/06/02  Remarks with King Abdullah II of Jordan; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio]
--05/05/02  Interview on ABC's This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--05/05/02  Interview on NBC'S Meet the Press with Tim Russert; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--05/02/02  Madrid Quartet; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC [audio]

January - April
--04/29/02  Statement by the President on the Middle East ; President George W. Bush; The Bush Ranch, Crawford, Texas
--04/26/02  Excerpts from April 26 Press Briefing; Richard Boucher, Spokesman; Remarks to the Press Corps; Washington, DC
--04/25/02  Opening Statement at Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for Assistance to the Palestinian People (AHLC) Donors' Meeting; William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Oslo, Norway
--04/25/02  President Bush Meets with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ; President George W. Bush; Remarks by the President After Meeting With Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ; Bush Ranch, Crawford, Texas  

--04/24/02  Testimony on FY 2003 Budget Request (As Delivered) [With Introductory Comments on the Middle East]
--04/21/02  Interview on ABC's This Week; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/21/02  Interview on CBS' Face the Nation; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/21/02  Interview on CNN's Late Edition; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/21/02  Interview on Fox News Sunday; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/21/02  Interview on NBC's Meet the Press; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/19/02  Remarks with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Following Their Meeting; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Harry S Truman Building Lobby, Washington, DC
--04/18/02  President Bush and Secretary Powell Discuss Middle East; Secretary Colin L. Powell; The Oval Office, Washington, DC
--04/17/02  Remarks at David Citadel Hotel; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Jerusalem
--04/15/02  Remarks On Board Plane En Route Tel Aviv, Israel; Secretary Colin L. Powell; En Route Tel Aviv, Israel
--04/15/02  Remarks upon arrival in Damascus, Syria; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Damascus International Airport; Damascus, Syria
--04/15/02  Remarks with Lebanese Foreign Minister Mahmoud Hammoud; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Presidential Palace; Beirut, Lebanon
--04/15/02  Remarks with Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri; Secretary Colin L. Powell; The Grand Serail; Beirut, Lebanon
--04/14/02  Remarks at Start of Meeting With Israeli President Moshe Katzav; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Jerusalem
--04/14/02  Statement After Meeting with Chairman Yasser Arafat; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Ramallah
--04/13/02  Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian People; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Jerusalem
--04/12/02  Remarks in Safed; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Safed, Israel
--04/12/02  Remarks with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Foreign Ministry; Jerusalem
--04/12/02  Remarks with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Prime Minister's Residence; Jerusalem
--04/09/02  Press Briefing on Board Plane; Secretary Colin L. Powell; En Route Madrid
--04/09/02  Remarks with Foreign Minister of Egypt Ahmed Maher; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Cairo, Egypt
--04/08/02  Remarks after Meeting with King Mohamed VI; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Agadir, Morocco
--04/08/02  Remarks after Meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Casablanca, Morocco
--04/05/02  Remarks with Jordanian Foreign Minister Al-Muasher after Meeting; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [listen audio]
--04/04/02  President to Send Secretary Powell to Middle East ; President Bush; Statement on the Middle East; The Rose Garden, Washington, DC
--04/03/02  Interview by Scott Pelley on CBS's 60 Minutes II (as aired); Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/02/02  Interview by Bryant Gumbel on CBS's The Early Show ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/02/02  Interview by Diane Sawyer on ABC's Good Morning America; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/02/02  Interview by E.D. Donahey on Fox News Channel ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/02/02  Interview by Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/02/02  Interview by Paula Zahn on CNN's American Morning ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--03/29/02  Press Briefing on Situation in the Middle East ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [listen audio]
--01/31/02  Remarks with King Abdullah of Jordan; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio]
--01/30/02  Challenges and Opportunities for the United States in the Middle East and North Africa; William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs; Remarks to the Hannibal Club at the Meridian International Center ; Washington, DC
--01/12/02  Press Conference in Bahrain; William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs ; Manama, Bahrain
--01/12/02  Press Conference in Kuwait; William J. Burns , Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs; Kuwait City, Kuwait
--01/12/02  Television Interview in Bahrain; William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs; Manama, Bahrain

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