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About Us
The National Business Center is moving to the paperless electronic age for the Department of the Interior and the NBC clients. This move is consistent with Part 4.502 Policy of the Federal Acquisition Regulations which reads, in part, "(a) The Federal Government shall use electronic commerce whenever practical or cost-effective. The use of terms commonly associated with paper transactions (e.g., "copy," "document," "page," "printed," "sealed envelope," and "stamped") shall not be interpreted to restrict the use of electronic commerce...."

Further, initiatives are being pursued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to further the use of electronic commerce as being mandated by the current administration initiatives.

The goal of this website is to provide the vendor community the opportunity to do business with participating federal agencies. We will be providing more procurement opportunities in the future - so be sure to stay tuned. Direct all questions and suggestions related to this Web Site to the NBC Electronic Commerce Help Desk.



In accordance with FAR 5.2, Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) has been designated as the "single source" for federal government procurement opportunities that exceed $25,000.

All actions posted on the NBC Business Opportunities web site seamlessly link to GSA's FedBizOpps web site.

The Announcement Notices (or synopsis) posted on the FedBizOpps website will have a link back to the IDEAS-EC website where the Announcement and/or RFQ/Solicitation, Amendment, or Award can be viewed and/or printed.
The NBC is committed to making every possible effort to ensure that all information is accessible to people with disabilities, including both employees and customers we serve. If you experience any difficulty accessing the information on our web site, please don't hesitate to contact our office. We will try to assist you as best we can. This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format. For additional information on Accessibility within DOI, visit the Accessibility Technology Center Website at http://www.doi.gov/atc/. The Department of the Interior's (DOI) Accessible Technology Program was established in June, 2000 to support employees with disabilities by determining the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic solutions for that individual. These accommodations are a surprisingly affordable way to enable employees with a disability to equal access to information technology that is essential in today's workplace. For further information about the regulations governing the accessibility of Federal electronic information products, visit the Section 508 pages listed below:

Section 508 home page - http://www.section508.gov/
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - http://www.w3.org/WAI/
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