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September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001

What's New...

New - Closing Statement from the Special Master, Mr. Kenneth R. Feinberg, on the Shutdown of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

Nuevo - Comunicado final del Auxiliar Judicial, Sr. Kenneth R. Feinberg, al término de las actividades del Fondo de Compensación para las Víctimas del 11 de Septiembre.

New - Important Fund Deadlines Regarding Payment, Eligibility and Distribution Plans
All payment documentation and final distribution plans must be received by May 3, 2004. The deadline for Receipt of Court Order for Appointment of Guardian of the Property is May 14, 2004. There will be no extensions or exceptions to these deadlines. June 15, 2004 is the final day of operation for the Fund. For more information on these deadlines, please see the Special Master Updates or click on the links below:
Deceased Victims
Personal Injury Victims
Periodic (Structure) Payments

Nuevo – Fechas límite importantes en relación con pagos, elegibilidad y planes de distribución
Toda la documentación sobre pagos y los planes de distribución finales deberán ser recibidos a más tardar el 3 de mayo de 2004. La fecha límite para la recepción de la orden de un tribunal sobre la designación del custodio de la propiedad es el 14 de mayo de 2004. No habrá prórroga ni excepción alguna para estas fechas límite. El 15 de junio de 2004 es el último día de actividades para el Fondo. Si desea más información acerca de estas fechas límite, vea por favor las Actualizaciones del Auxiliar Judicial o haga clic en los siguientes vínculos:
Víctimas difuntas
Víctimas de lesiones personales
Pagos periódicos (estructurados)

Update: List of Victim Representatives Making Claims, posted June 21, 2004. This document provided a list of individuals making claims with the Fund. Names were removed from the list 90 days after they were posted, and the last name was removed from the list June 21, 2004. Accordingly, the List of Victim Representatives is no longer being provided.

Update: Compensation for Deceased Victims - Forms Page and Compensation for Personal Injury Victims - Forms Page, posted May 4, 2004. The section regarding the Application for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payment Information Form has been updated. We have added the victim name and claim number to this form.

Update: Compensation for Deceased Victims - Forms Page and Compensation for Personal Injury Victims - Forms Page, posted April 21, 2004. The section regarding the Periodic Payment Agreement Template has been updated. It now includes a link to Helpful Hints for completing the Periodic Payment Agreement.

Update: Compensation for Deceased Victims - Special Master Updates Page, and Compensation for Personal Injury Victims Page - Special Master Updates, Posted April 21, 2004. Three new documents (PDFs) have been added to provide further instructions regarding important processing dates and deadlines. June 15, 2004 is the final day of operation for the Fund. All payment documentation and final distribution plans must be received by May 3, 2004. The deadline for Receipt of Court Order for Appointment of Guardian of the Property is May 14, 2004. There will be no extensions or exceptions to these deadlines. Please see the Special Master Updates for more details.

Update: Victim Resources Links - posted April 16, 2004. Certain links on the Victim Resources Links page have been removed as the pages to which they referred are no longer active.

Update: Compensation for Deceased Victims - Forms Page and Compensation for Personal Injury Victims - Forms Page, posted April 16, 2004. A section regarding the Application for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payment Information Form has been added. An ACH payment is quicker and more secure than a check. If you would like to receive your award via ACH payment complete the form found here.

Actualización: Declaración de Política sobre el Cronograma de Cierre del Programa, publicado el 7 de abril de 2004. Este mensaje del Auxiliar Judicial, Sr. Kenneth R. Feinberg, ha sido actualizado para clarificar que el 1º de abril de 2004 es la Fecha Objetivo para reclamaciones de victimas difuntas únicamente. Las determinaciones de adjudicaciones para reclamaciones por Lesiones Personales se darán después del 1º de abril de 2004. Tenga en cuenta que las determinaciones de adjudicaciones del Tramo B así como de adjudicaciones después de apelaciones se darán después de las respectivas audiencias. Las audiencias están programadas actualmente hasta mitad de Mayo. Si usted presentó una reclamación de victima fallecida del Tramo A y aun no tiene una determinación de adjudicación, usted recibirá una carta dentro de las próximas semanas.

Update: Policy Statement on Program Shutdown Schedule, posted April 1, 2004. This message from the Special Master, Mr. Kenneth R. Feinberg, has been updated to clarify that April 1, 2004 is a Target Date for deceased victim claims only. Personal Injury claims award determinations will be issued after April 1, 2004. Be advised that Track B award determinations and award determinations after appeals will all be issued after hearings. Hearings are currently scheduled through mid-May. If you submitted a deceased victim Track A claim and do not yet have an award determination, you will receive a letter within the next few weeks.

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