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About Us

The Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program is committed to working with partners to achieve:

  • Healthy fish and wildlife,
  • Healthy habitats,
  • Healthy people, and a
  • Healthy economy.

The Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program is unique within the US Fish and Wildlife Service in its capabilities to apply a multifaceted approach to resource management. The Program conserves and restores habitat to ensure that fish and wildlife populations are sustained for the benefit of current and future generations of Americans. Fisheries and Habitat Conservation relies on collaboration with State agencies, Tribes, private landowners, industry, other federal agencies, and the public to achieve its conservation goals and objectives. Expertise areas within the Program include:

  • Habitat restoration
  • Contaminant assessment and remediation
  • Genetics
  • Population dynamics and management
  • Fish culture and fish health
  • Fish passage
  • Invasive species management
  • Wetlands inventory, monitoring and mapping
  • Water quality, development and management
  • Wildlife management, and
  • Permitting in energy, transportation, and other activities.

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