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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 23, 2007

Forests and Climate

Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky will lead the U.S. delegation to the High-Level Meeting on Forests and Climate July 23-25 in Sydney, Australia. Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Claudia McMurray and Senior Climate Negotiator and Special Representative Harlan Watson will accompany Under Secretary Dobriansky.

Meeting participants will discuss actions to reduce deforestation, promote sustainable forest management, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Indonesia, Brazil, China, Mexico, Germany, Japan, and a number of other countries will be represented at the meeting.

Nearly 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions result from deforestation and other land use changes.

The United States has a record of promoting the sustainable management of forests and of working to reduce carbon emissions caused by deforestation. Under the Tropical Forest Conservation Act, the United States has established debt-for-nature programs with 11 countries that will generate more than $135 million to help protect 20 million hectares of important tropical forests around the world. The United States commits approximately $80 million per year to help developing countries reduce deforestation. Through the President’s Initiative Against Illegal Logging, the United States is working with partners to strengthen the rule of law, empower communities and promote transparent business practices

The United States has welcomed Australia’s establishment of a new Global Initiative on Forests and Climate.

More information is available at:


Released on July 23, 2007

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