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Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development & Climate Asia-Pacific Partnership
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Welcome to the U.S. Government's Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Website!

Solar Panels  [iStock Photo 2008]

The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate is an innovative effort to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. The Partnership employs a unique public-private partnership model that brings together industry stakeholders and government officials to achieve Partnership goals. The APP is an integral component of U.S. efforts to combat climate change, promote energy security, and foster international economic growth and cooperation.  

This website serves as the U.S. Homepage for the Asia-Pacific Partnership provides an opportunity to stay informed about the current and upcoming U.S. activities under the APP. To sign up for periodic updates, including a bi-monthly e-newsletter, upcoming Requests for Proposals (RFPs)/Requests for Assistance (RFAs), and information on U.S. involvement in meetings and events, please register in our Partnership Network.

For more information on the international Partnership, please visit the APP International website.


Date: 10/27/2008 Location: Cover Image Description: APP Cover Image  State Dept Photo

2008 Annual Report

U.S. Government Actions in Support of the
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate

The United States believes in the power of public-private cooperation and practical, results-oriented activities when dealing with the combined challenges of energy security, economic growth, and climate change. The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) is a key piece of U.S. Government strategy to engage the world’s largest economies in meeting the challenge of a cleaner energy future. (Oct. 25) Report | 5.85 MB PDF

U.S. APP and the National Association of State Energy Officials Sign Memorandum of Understanding

On Tuesday, September 9th, Ambassador Reno L. Harnish attended the National Association of State Energy Officials Annual Meeting in Overland Park, Kansas. It was there, amongst over 100 attendees, that he signed a Memorandum of Understanding with State Energy Directors that will provide a mechanism to promote clean technology transfer efforts from the United States to China and India. Implementation of the agreement will occur through the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate. The Ambassador spoke about the initiative saying, “The APP is a practical, results-oriented partnership that is a key part of the broader United States government strategy to engage the world’s largest developed and developing economies in the effort to combat climate change and foster a cleaner energy future.” The Department of State and NASEO will soon develop a plan for collaborating on a variety of projects focused on promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency. Click here to read Ambassador Harnish’s remarks.

Eight U.S. APP Clean Energy Projects Receive Funding for Work in China

On Thursday, September 18th at the US-China-Australia Dialogue on Energy Security and Climate Change in Washington D.C., Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula J. Dobriansky recently announced the eight projects newly selected from the Request for Assistance (RFA) that will receive over $6.7 million in USG funding and leverage more than $8 million in additional funding. These projects will make significant contributions to APP efforts to facilitate investment in clean technologies, accelerate the sharing of energy-efficient best practices, and identify policy barriers to the diffusion of clean energy technologies. Read press release here.

Recent U.S. Sponsored Results

Traffic in Chinese city of Guangzhou [2008 iStock photo]

APP Trade Mission Leads to Deployment of Hybrid-Powered Buses

In January, Department of Commerce Assistant Secretary David Bohigian led the second APP Clean Energy Trade Mission to India and China with the goal of deploying U.S. clean energy technology in these two Partner countries. A highlight of the trip was a signing ceremony announcing the installation of 30 hybrid-powered buses for Guangzhou's municipal city bus company. Once deployed, this will be the largest single placement of hybrid-powered buses anywhere in China. It is also Eaton's largest single hybrid power systems order to date.

More information on this U.S. led project.

Cans in rows. [iStock photo 2008]

Aluminum Technology Website Links Industry Leaders in the U.S. and India

Secat Inc., in conjunction with the Australian government, has developed a website to register and connect aluminum industry stakeholders in the U.S. and India. The website, located at http://www.apaluminiumtech.org/, will provide primary aluminum producers, forging and casting companies, fabricators, as well manufacturers, packagers, etc. in both countries with access to resources to implement changes in environmental and commercial performance throughout the industry.

More information on this U.S. led project.


Griffin Thompson, speaking at the Inaugural APP Breakfast Briefing Series on July 18, 2008 [State Dept. Image]

Industry, NGO, and Government Representatives Attend APP Briefing

Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky kicked off the Inaugural APP Breakfast Briefing Series on July 17, 2008 at the Ronald Regan Building in Washington, DC before a crowd of more than 100 attendees from media, industry, and government. The Under Secretary gave an overview of U.S. involvement in the APP and its integral place within U.S. climate strategy. A panel of representatives from the World Resources Institute, Portland Cement Association, Solar Turbines, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Energy (DOE) discussed their experiences under the APP and highlighted its successes through both on-the-ground projects and through its power to convene global industries and governments to combat climate change. The event launched a series of Breakfast Briefings that will be held throughout the year to provide updates on Partnership and Task Force activities. Under Secretary's Remarks

Delegates to the 5th Buildings and Appliances Task Force Meeting in Seoul, South Korea [2008 APP Image]

Buildings and Appliances Task Force 5th International Meeting in Seoul, South Korea

The U.S. Members of the APP Buildings and Appliances Task Force, composed of representatives from Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, and the National Association of Energy Service Companies, sent a delegation to the International BATF Meeting in Seoul, South Korea on June 23 - 24, 2008. For more information, please visit the APP International website.

The 5th Policy and Implementation Committee Meeting. [2008 APP Image]

U.S. Hosts Policy and Implementation Committee Meeting

The United States hosted the 5th meeting of the Policy and Implementation Committee in Seattle, Washington on May 19-20, 2008. The meeting brought together high level government officials from all seven Partner countries to discuss progress that has been made since the last meeting and to evaluate the future direction of the Partnership.