
Detailed Information on the
Federal Detention Activities Assessment

Program Code 10003810
Program Title Federal Detention Activities
Department Name Department of Justice
Agency/Bureau Name Department of Justice
Program Type(s) Direct Federal Program
Capital Assets and Service Acquisition Program
Assessment Year 2006
Assessment Rating Effective
Assessment Section Scores
Section Score
Program Purpose & Design 100%
Strategic Planning 89%
Program Management 100%
Program Results/Accountability 80%
Program Funding Level
(in millions)
FY2007 $1,226
FY2008 $1,226
FY2009 $1,295

Ongoing Program Improvement Plans

Year Began Improvement Plan Status Comments

Automate the detention billing and payment system.

Action taken, but not completed Concept design complete. Financial requirements, processes, and procedures to be established during FY 2008. Develop IT system requirements duirng FY 2008-2009. Pilot test and refine in FY 2010. Implement in FY 2011.

Revitalize and restructure the Cooperative Agreement Program.

Action taken, but not completed The FY 2008 appropriation authorized up to $5,000,000 for CAP. The CAP program will be fully developed in FY 2008 and implemented in FY 2008 - 2009.

Developing a new measure to capture improvements in detention facility operations. Complete software development in 2009. Implement new measure in 2010.

Action taken, but not completed

Completed Program Improvement Plans

Year Began Improvement Plan Status Comments

Develop a program evaluation which will meet PART Requirements

Completed Obtained OMB approval on Jan 11, 2008 to utilize the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) as the vehicle for Program Evaluation. Implmentation of the QAR in this capacity will begin in FY 2008.

Program Performance Measures

Term Type  
Long-term/Annual Efficiency

Measure: Per Day Jail Cost (Non-Federal)

Explanation:This projection is related to the Average Daily Population. The Federal detention population is at risk to a variety of factors (such as law enforcement initiatives and priorities) that are beyond the control of OFDT. Unanticipated changes in these underlying factors may increase (or decrease) the detention population above (or below) the projected level. As the horizon for the population projection increases, the potential "error" associated with the projection increases substantially: a 1-year projection error is approximately (+/-) 2.2%, which increases to (+/-) 11.5% for the 5-year projection. This output measure supports the Performance Goal to "Hold Housing Costs at or Below Inflation." Bedspace is acquired through Federal (BOP), IGA (state & local government), and Private facilities. The total for per day jail cost for the 3 facility types is listed below.

Year Target Actual
2005 $62.92 $61.92
2006 $63.35 $62.73
2007 $67.09 $64.40
2008 $65.62
2009 $67.40
2010 $69.21
2011 $71.36
2012 $73.57
2013 $75.78
Long-term/Annual Efficiency

Measure: Health Care Cost Per Capita (Non-Federal)

Explanation:This projection is related to the Average Daily Population. The Federal detention population is at risk to a variety of factors (such as law enforcement initiatives and priorities) that are beyond the control of OFDT. Unanticipated changes in these underlying factors may increase (or decrease) the detention population above (or below) the projected level. As the horizon for the population projection increases, the potential "error" associated with the projection increases substantially: a 1-year projection error is approximately (+/-) 2.2%, which increases to (+/-) 11.5% for the 5-year projection. This output measure is in support of the Performance Goal to "Hold Medical Costs at or below Inflation levels (for medical services). (Medical: treatment, transportation & security).

Year Target Actual
2005 N/A $1,610
2006 $1,796 $1,820
2007 $1,817 $1,790
2008 $1,936
2009 $1,958
2010 $2,068
2011 $2,183
2012 $2,306
2013 $2,435
Long-term/Annual Outcome

Measure: Per Day Detention Cost (Non-Federal) (Housing & Medical/Services)

Explanation:This projection is related to the Average Daily Population. The Federal detention population is at risk to a variety of factors (such as law enforcement initiatives and priorities) that are beyond the control of OFDT. Unanticipated changes in these underlying factors may increase (or decrease) the detention population above (or below) the projected level. As the horizon for the population projection increases, the potential "error" associated with the projection increases substantially: a 1-year projection error is approximately (+/-) 2.2%, which increases to (+/-) 11.5% for the 5-year projection. This outcome measure supports the Performance Goal to "Hold all Detention Costs at or below Inflation."

Year Target Actual
2005 $66.82 $66.33
2006 $68.27 $67.71
2007 $72.07 $69.30
2008 $70.92
2009 $72.76
2010 $74.88
2011 $77.34
2012 $79.89
2013 $82.44
Long-term/Annual Outcome

Measure: Number and % of Targeted Non-Federal Facilities Meeting Minimum Standards

Explanation:This output measure supports the Performance Goal to "Complete 100% of Private Facility Reviews by 2006 and 100% of High Volume, High Risk IGA Facility Reviews by Year 2008."

Year Target Actual
2005 N/A N/A
2006 13/65% 19/95%
2007 19/86% 22/100%
2008 23/92%
2009 25/93%
2010 27/96%
2011 28/97%
2012 29/97%
2013 31/97%
Long-term/Annual Output

Measure: Reduce # Days Awaiting Transportation/Days in Detention (From Designation to Committment)


Year Target Actual
2004 N/A 21
2005 20 20
2006 20 16
2007 17 17
2008 Discontinued

Questions/Answers (Detailed Assessment)

Section 1 - Program Purpose & Design
Number Question Answer Score

Is the program purpose clear?

Explanation: The Office of the Federal Detention Trustee's (OFDT) mission is clear and unambiguous. It manages and regulates Federal detention programs and the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS) by establishing a secure and effective operating environment that drives efficient and fair expenditure of appropriated funds. The size and scope of federal detention demands a central organization to direct resources and facilitate the implementation of programmatic changes to achieve efficiencies, effectiveness and operational synergies. OFDT accomplishes this by driving infrastructure modernization and process improvements within the detention community and JPATS by leading cross-government solutions among participating agencies.

Evidence: FOR THE CONSISTENCY REVIEW, ALL EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF OFDT'S ANSWERS (EXCEPT FOR SIX SENSITIVE DOCUMENTS) IS LOCATED ON A WEBSITE WITH THE LINK PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TITLE. THE SIX SENSITIVE DOCUMENTS ARE PROVIDED SEPARATELY IN HARD-COPY FORM WITH THE RESPECTIVE TAB LISTED. Public Law 106-553 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Public%20Law%20106-553.pdf). Public Law 108-447 (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ447.108 ). Attorney General's Memo dated 2/12/01; approved by the Attorney General 3/6/01(http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/DOJ%20Reorganization.pdf). OFDT Strategic Plan 2006-2011: Page 3 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20041206.pdf).

YES 20%

Does the program address a specific and existing problem, interest, or need?

Explanation: In 1995, the nation began to experience a rapid increase in the detainee population and the rising costs associated with detention, causing competition among federal agencies for detention beds. For example, between FY 1995 and 2005, the United States Marshals Service's (USMS) detention population increased an average of 10.1% annually. The average daily population in 1995 was approximately 20,000; in 2005, that number had increased to over 54,000. The projection for 2006 is over 58,000 (with indications that the detention population will continue to increase). OFDT was created as the central organization to manage federal detention activities and is striving to meet that challenge. Since June 2004, OFDT has worked with the detention community to drive efficiencies in several areas such as: creating the eDesignate system, an electronic process improvement tool used to reduce post-sentencing time-in-detention; implementing electronic Intergovernmental Agreements (eIGA) to standardize the pricing strategy for paying for non-federal detention space in order to control costs and provide greater certainty in rates to be paid; and, establishing a Quality Assurance Review Program to ensure that non-federal facilities housing detainees meet the Department of Justice's requirements for safe, secure and humane confinement.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan 2006-2011 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf).

YES 20%

Is the program designed so that it is not redundant or duplicative of any other Federal, state, local or private effort?

Explanation: There are no similar programs at any level to address the nation's detention coordination or infrastructure needs, nor the proper monitoring of detention funds. OFDT is the only organization within the government that provides centralized management of federal detention activities so as to minimize, or eliminate altogether, redundancy and/or duplication of effort on the part of Federal agencies. To meld the many requirements of the USMS, Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), OFDT is the only organization to implement a national detention strategy that is characterized and driven by an enterprise perspective. Moreover, OFDT was designed to avoid duplication of effort in detention activities among the relevant agencies and to pursue the "center of excellence" concept by focusing on process and infrastructure improvements.

Evidence: Public Law 106-553 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Public%20Law%20106-553.pdf). Public Law 108-447 (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ447.108). 2003 Appropriations language: page 51 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FY%202003%20Appropriation%20Language.pdf). 2004 Appropriations Language: page 45 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FY%202004%20Appropriations%20language.pdf). OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20041206.pdf).

YES 20%

Is the program design free of major flaws that would limit the program's effectiveness or efficiency?

Explanation: There is no other organization tasked with the responsibility for oversight of detention management and there is no evidence that a different approach to resolving the nation's detention issues exists. The OFDT designed a centralized strategy to federal detention in order to realize cost savings, gain efficiencies, and improve and coordinate detention activities for DOJ and DHS. The Congress provided OFDT with specific tools that clearly provide for program effectiveness. For example, when OFDT was vested with a broader procurement authority than what had existed previously for detention services, that authority enabled OFDT to enter into longer-term, fixed price contracts when it was deemed in the best interest of the government. Important to the "center of excellence" and centralized management concepts that led to the creation of OFDT, this procurement authority extends to both administrative and criminal alien bed space. To ensure a consistent and well-managed approach to procurement of services, OFDT has created a solid service acquisition infrastructure which includes a formalized procurement plan and process, as well as published operational procedures delineating the roles and responsibilities of the various offices involved in planning for and procuring non-federal secure detention services. OFDT's mission also allows for better coordination and implementation of detention housing and transportation services. OFDT is a member of the JPATS Executive Committee, and has a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the detention and transportation process. As an authority in detention and prisoner transportation operations, OFDT is able to evaluate and implement efficiencies to the JPATS program without succumbing to competing priorities both within and across JPATS client agencies that may otherwise limit its effectiveness. The OFDT mission strives to achieve more efficient operations to reduce or eliminate increased costs resulting from competition between the partner agencies for scarce resources and minimize duplication of effort, to the maximum extent possible.

Evidence: Public Law 106-553 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Public%20Law%20106-553.pdf). Public Law 108-447 (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ447.108 ). 2003 Appropriations language: page 51 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FY%202003%20Appropriation%20Language.pdf). 2004 Appropriations Language: page 45 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FY%202004%20Appropriations%20language.pdf). OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20041206.pdf). OFDT Org Chart: page 7 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OrgProposal.pdf). Attorney General's Memo, approved 3/6/2001 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/DOJ%20Reorganization.pdf). Procurement Authority (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Procurement%20Authority.pdf). OFDT's Class Acquisition Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/class%20acq%20plan.pdf) OFDT's Non-Federal Detention Services Acquisition Policy (http://ofdt.razouky.com/Non%20Federal%20Detention%20Services%20Acquisition%20Policy.pdf

YES 20%

Is the program design effectively targeted so that resources will address the program's purpose directly and will reach intended beneficiaries?

Explanation: OFDT's program is designed to provide for the effective and efficient expenditure of funds to ensure the safe, secure and humane confinement of persons in the custody of the USMS. With low overhead and minimum staff, OFDT identifies infrastructure deficiencies and seeks resolution to improve the detention operations. To that end, OFDT monitors existing detention services contracts, facilitates the acquisition of additional detention space necessary for the partner agencies to accomplish their missions, and identifies and manages process improvements that will result in a more efficient detention process. Financially, the savings generated by OFDT's efforts can be reinvested into new initiatives directed at other necessary detention infrastructure improvements for additional long-term cost avoidance. Operationally, OFDT's partner agencies can redeploy newly unencumbered staff to better accomplish their missions. For example, OFDT developed eDesignate which facilitated faster processing and reduced government personnel workload in the designation process. This program reduced the amount of time a prisoner was held by the USMS awaiting designation by the BOP by approximately 45% (from 41 days in 2004 to 22 days in 2005, a reduction of 18.3 days) in the District of Arizona (the pilot district). Consequently, the USMS avoided several million dollars in detention costs that resulted from the reduced time in detention. The savings generated by the eDesignate program was reinvested into development of the national enterprise solution that will ultimately result in further cost savings when the program is implemented. Another example is the reimbursable agreement with JPATS for special airlift missions to relieve pressure points in the JPATS transportation system. Through these supplementary airlifts, prisoners are transported to their BOP-designated correctional facilities more expeditiously, resulting in a reduction in post-sentencing detention time.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). eDesignate MOA (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDesignate%20MOA%20Final1.pdf). eDesignate Brochure (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDesignate%20Brochure.pdf). Reimburseable Agreement for Special Aircraft Missions (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/JPATS RA.pdf).

YES 20%
Section 1 - Program Purpose & Design Score 100%
Section 2 - Strategic Planning
Number Question Answer Score

Does the program have a limited number of specific long-term performance measures that focus on outcomes and meaningfully reflect the purpose of the program?

Explanation: OFDT engaged in an extensive strategic planning process that has resulted in the identification of limited specific goals, performance measures and published targets. OFDT's Strategic Plan articulates three specific goals that link directly to the Department of Justice's strategic goal of ensuring the fair and efficient operation of the federal justice system. OFDT's goals focus on improving detention operations by meeting the nation's detention requirements in critical mission locations in the most economical manner, ensuring the safe, secure and humane confinement of prisoners, and increasing the efficiency of the JPATS program. The OFDT performance measures are tied to OFDT's mission, major functions, and budget; they are focused on driving efficiencies to limit the increase in detention costs at or below the inflation rate. Long-term plans are reviewed, tracked and updated at least quarterly by OFDT leadership including the two outcome measures of: 1) Per Day Detention Cost; and 2) Number and Percentage of Non-Federal Facilities Meeting Minimum Detention Standards

Evidence: Se data provided in measures tab. OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/ofdt%20strategic%20plan.pdf). eDesinate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). OFDT Performance Measures Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf).

YES 11%

Does the program have ambitious targets and timeframes for its long-term measures?

Explanation: OFDT's specific long-term measures require efficiency in program accomplishments while anticipating an increasing workload with a target of maintaining detention costs below the rate of inflation. OFDT has ambitious long-term performance measures that are routinely and regularly monitored and updated. Annual goals are designed to achieve long-term goals. OFDT developed specific performance measures that align with specified goals, directly reflect the purpose of the program, and provide meaningful evaluation of the accomplishment of the goal. OFDT has established specific goals and targets for all mission and management measures. The OFDT Performance Measure Matrix, as well as the business and project plans for individual strategies, permit agency leadership to monitor and evaluate the agency's progress towards achieving those goals within the specified time frames. Further, there are numerous OFDT documents that contain reporting information which allows monitoring of the progress such as the OFDT Performance Measure Matrix, Business Plans and Project Plans. OFDT's performance measures are directly linked to the managers' performance work plans, providing a mechanism to hold managers accountable for accomplishment of OFDT goals and enhance the timeliness of updates to the performance measures. While all measures are projected out to 2011, most measures seek achievement of the primary targets within the next three fiscal years.

Evidence: See dataprovided in measures table. OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT Performance Measure Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf). OFDT Performance Work Plans (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PWPs.pdf).

YES 11%

Does the program have a limited number of specific annual performance measures that can demonstrate progress toward achieving the program's long-term goals?

Explanation: OFDT's annual measures are discrete, quantifiable and measurable. OFDT has a specific amount of annual measures that are the average daily detention population; per day jail cost; per capita heath care cost (medical: treatment, transportation & security); percent of quality assurance reviews completed; and the number of days and cost associated with post sentence time-in-detention, to include time-in-detention categorized by offense and use of federal (BOP) beds. In addition, OFDT tracks USMS detainee population, inmate time in detention, number of air and ground movements, utilization of existing federally-operated detention beds, post-sentencing time in detention, and transportation time and costs. OFDT has specific annual and long-term targets that are ambitious, outcome oriented, and emphasize the importance of obtaining adequate, safe, secure and humane bed-space in the most economical manner. These measures are directly tied to annual targets that relate to specific long-term goals. Specific annual performance measures have been developed in accordance with OFDT's goals and objectives to implement its strategic plan with annual milestones and targets. Project Plans for individual strategies have been developed to support OFDT's Strategic Plan. These project plans are designed to focus on strategic program priorities that will ensure the achievement of OFDT's mission and long-term performance goals. Project Plans for individual strategies establish the necessary and relevant increments of productivity required so that the combined efforts of each program leads to the successful fulfillment of the overall OFDT Strategic Plan.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). OFDT Performance Measure Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf). OFDT Statistical Compilation Report (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/performance.measures.worksheet.pdf).

YES 11%

Does the program have baselines and ambitious targets for its annual measures?

Explanation: OFDT established ambitious annual targets and milestones using baseline data collected during the implementation of numerous projects. OFDT's targets are ambitious since the workload continues to increase while the efficiency measure is targeted to keep detention costs below the national rate of inflation.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eDesignate Program (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDesignate%20Brochure.pdf).

YES 11%

Do all partners (including grantees, sub-grantees, contractors, cost-sharing partners, and other government partners) commit to and work toward the annual and/or long-term goals of the program?

Explanation: OFDT partners with all detention community agencies, private detention service providers, as well as state & local governments for detention resources. All partners work to ensure detention resources are used in the most efficient and effective possible manner. Successful development and implementation of eIGA, initiating the Detention Services Schedule, the eDesignate system, and the Quality Assurance Review programs were due to close coordination with our detention partners (USMS, BOP, ICE, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts [AOUSC], and with state, local, and private detention services providers). OFDT personnel established and headed project teams with representatives from the several partner organizations. Additionally, OFDT works regularly through such interagency workgroups, which are pivotal to meeting the goals for numerous OFDT initiatives (including those mentioned above) and includes establishing performance-based reimbursable agreements, such as the Alternatives to Detention program with AOUSC to reduce per day jail cost, and with BOP to reduce medical costs.

Evidence: IGA Core-Rate Report (Tab 1) eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). e Designate (Arizona Report) (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDES%20Pilot%20(WebDAV)%20Reports.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20041206.pdf). Western Region Detention Pilot Facility Review Report (Tab 5). Evidence of DSS Industry Meetings (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Services%20Schedule.pdf). National Detention Standards MOU (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Standard.pdf).

YES 11%

Are independent evaluations of sufficient scope and quality conducted on a regular basis or as needed to support program improvements and evaluate effectiveness and relevance to the problem, interest, or need?

Explanation: While OFDT has a quality assurance program in place for detention operations via the American Correctional Association bi-annual standards and the Quality Assurance Reviews, OFDT does not yet have in place an independent evaluation mechanism of sufficient scope for the program's oversight functions.

Evidence: Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Federal Performance-Based Detention Standards (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FedPerfBaseStds.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Subject Matter Expert Solicitation (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Expert%20Services.pdf). American Corrections Assocation (ACA) Standards (http://www.aca.org).

NO 0%

Are Budget requests explicitly tied to accomplishment of the annual and long-term performance goals, and are the resource needs presented in a complete and transparent manner in the program's budget?

Explanation: OFDT's budget is strategically aligned with program goals and objectives. Resource needs for each program goal and objective are clearly displayed in the performance and resource exhibits in the budget. Since many of OFDT's performance goals are defined in terms of unit cost, the budgetary impacts are clearly aligned. OFDT has developed business and project plans (linked to its strategic plan) that address each organizational goal and identify annual milestones and targets. The outcomes shown in the project plans are the bases for determining the resource requirements. The desired outcomes are identified first and the required resources are then calculated based upon those outcomes. The business and project plans are updated annually to stay current with actual experience and funding availability.

Evidence: eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT FY 2007 Congressional Budget Submission (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FY%202007%20Performance%20Budget.pdf). FY2006 Operating Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20FY06%20Operating%20Plan.pdf).

YES 11%

Has the program taken meaningful steps to correct its strategic planning deficiencies?

Explanation: OFDT was established in 2001; however, as of June 2004, no Strategic Plan was in place. In August of 2004, the new Trustee started development of the first OFDT Strategic Plan that aligns with the Department of Justice Strategic Plan and identifies OFDT's role, functions, and mission. The Strategic Plan has clearly defined goals and objectives that are tied to the budget and which specifically address the obvious strategic plan deficiency, i.e., the lack of a plan. The plan, submitted in April 2006 and approved in May 2006, addresses the newly acquired mission of managing JPATS and has been further refined into distinct division business plans and specific project plans for major initiatives.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT Performance Measures Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf).

YES 11%

Has the agency/program conducted a recent, meaningful, credible analysis of alternatives that includes trade-offs between cost, schedule, risk, and performance goals, and used the results to guide the resulting activity?

Explanation: All contracts awarded in OFDT are fixed-price and all detention service contracts are performance-based. OFDT's Class Acquisition Plan defines the framework for the evaluation of contract actions and the contracts contain explicit guidance and criteria which address achievements expected and how it impacts annual and long-term accomplishment of goals. Specifically, the OFDT Class Acquisition Plan requires OFDT contracting officers to evaluate the stated need of the item or service, collect any applicable conditions, and evaluate the price and capability of performance, along with the delivery or performance-period requirements. The contracting officer also analyzes the trade-offs and risks, and determines where acquisition streamlining efforts can improve results. This analysis is continual with all detention service contracts as well as program related service contracts used to develop efficiencies and effectiveness in the program. The analysis is used to identify the most effective and realistic approach to accomplish the specific goal of the acquisition as well as the overall goals of the program and office. The course of action and analysis are validated by OFDT partners when statements of work and proposed contract terms are reviewed and concurred on by partner agencies prior to solicitation as well as during the technical evaluation board process prior to award of the contract. The same approach was followed in the development of the core-rate methodology for the eIGA project. Members of the partner agency workgroup reviewed and validated the methodology initially proposed by OFDT, and a review and validation of the methodology as conducted by an independent statistician who opined upon the project. Modifications were made to the methodology based upon the comments received. A final example of a credible analysis was the report written by an independent statistician pertaining to the OFDT Forecasting Model. In all examples, the analysis validated and verified the OFDT approach.

Evidence: Western Region Detention Pilot Facility Review Report (Tab 5). OFDT Class Acquisition Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Class%20Acq%20Plan.pdf). Medical Support Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Medical%20Support.pdf). Detention Expert Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Expert%20Services.pdf).

YES 11%
Section 2 - Strategic Planning Score 89%
Section 3 - Program Management
Number Question Answer Score

Does the agency regularly collect timely and credible performance information, including information from key program partners, and use it to manage the program and improve performance?

Explanation: OFDT regularly collects performance data to determine the best approach to drive efficiencies. For example, OFDT's regular review of BOP SENTRY data and the USMS Prisoner Tracking System Post-Sentencing Data led to the development of the eDesignate program that is designed to reduce the number of days from sentencing to commitment to less than 30 days. OFDT conducts weekly reviews, and reports to the Deputy Attorney General, including the average daily detainee population, and regularly reviews significant trends, and reports quarterly, on the per day jail rate paid by the USMS, the actual detention population for the prior quarter, actual expenditures for detention and detention-related services, changes in the projected detention population, and changes in budgetary resource requirements. More recently, the Quality Assurance Review program drives corrective actions when operational deficiencies or financial weaknesses are identified during a Review. In addition, OFDT's Performance Measure Matrix is used to monitor the progress of major initiatives that support OFDT's strategic plan.

Evidence: USMS "Yellow Tracker" Prisoner Data Report (Tab 4). OFDT Multi-year Acquisition Plan (Tab 2). USMS Detention Space Utilization Tracking Sheet (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/usms%20detention%20space%20utilization%20tracking%20sheet.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT Performance Measure Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf).

YES 12%

Are Federal managers and program partners (including grantees, sub-grantees, contractors, cost-sharing partners, and other government partners) held accountable for cost, schedule and performance results?

Explanation: On June 30,2004, the Attorney General transmitted decisions on the SES Performance-based Pay System to OPM and OMB with the Human Capital Report, including a generic work plan for all Departmental SES members, with accompanying Performance contracts that must explicitly relate to the Department's, the President's, and/or the AG's defined goals. By Dec 30, 2004, all DOJ components certified to the Attorney General that all SES and direct report performance work plans are in place. In addition, periodic status briefings are conducted with OFDT managers to discuss the status of current projects (including milestones achieved to date) as well as problem areas that need to be addressed and resolved. Cascading performance work plans, emanating from the Trustee and Deputy Trustee's Performance Work Plans, ensure that each manager and employee is held accountable for performance. Managers develop performance measures that gauge the success of their team's efforts in furtherance of objectives and goals and the overall mission of the OFDT. Performance work plans also link to project plans and to OFDT's Strategic Plan. External to OFDT, detention services and major support contracts contain guidance and criteria addressing expected achievement. Specific contract performance standards are included with solicitations, outlining the consequences of non-performance. The Trustee regularly works and communicates with USMS, ICE, and BOP leadership to ensure OFDT and Department goals affecting federal detention activities are on track.

Evidence: Western Region Detention Facility Contract (Tab 6). OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). OFDT Performance Measure Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). OFDT Performance Work Plans (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PWPs.pdf). Medical Support Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Medical%20Support.pdf). Detention Expert Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Expert%20Services.pdf).

YES 12%

Are funds (Federal and partners') obligated in a timely manner, spent for the intended purpose and accurately reported?

Explanation: OFDT has focused on the timely obligation of funds based on spending plans and operational requirements. In 2005, less than 3% of OFDT's appropriated resources remained unobligated. OFDT consistently reviews the status of obligation reports on a monthly and quarterly basis and meets monthly with the USMS to review the status of detention service obligations. The OFDT has also developed and implemented an internal project-oriented operating plan that tracks the resources expended on the development of projects, i.e., eDesignate and the eIGA project. This allows the OFDT to evaluate resources expended and to evaluate the value of the resource to the project overall. The internal operating plan is reviewed at mid-year and at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Adjustments are made, as necessary and appropriate, to ensure OFDT priority projects are fully funded to meet the established milestones and objectives, as set forth in the OFDT's Performance Measure Matrix.

Evidence: OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). Apportionment Requests (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/SF%20132%20Apportionment%20and%20Reapportionment.pdf). FMIS Reports (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/consolidated%20obligation%20reporting%20system%20(6).pdf). 133s (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/SF%20133%20Report%20on%20Budget%20Executionary%20and%20Budget%20Resources.pdf). Audits that reflect timeliness of Obligations (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Expenditure%20&%20Allotment%20Report.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf).

YES 12%

Does the program have procedures (e.g. competitive sourcing/cost comparisons, IT improvements, appropriate incentives) to measure and achieve efficiencies and cost effectiveness in program execution?

Explanation: OFDT has developed several procedures to monitor, measure and achieve efficiencies and cost effectiveness. As OFDT developed its performance measures and targets for the Strategic Plan, it did so with bias toward measuring, monitoring, and tracking the effectiveness of the program in order to provide meaningful and accurate quarterly status reports and performance reports. For example, the OFDT's Class Acquisition Plan provides the framework to evaluate applicable conditions, price, capability of performance, delivery or performance-period requirements, trade-offs, and risks of detention services contracts. This plan measures and validates the effectiveness of the procurement process. Other procedures in place include: 1) the OFDT-led U.S. Attorney's Survey that collects relevant data regarding anticipated prosecutorial trends (which translates directly to the projection of future detention resource requirements and the improvement of the detention population projections); 2) procedures that evaluate and analyze Bureau of Prisons SENTRY and USMS Prisoner Tracking System data (the analysis and evaluation of these data tie directly to program cost effectiveness); and, 3) the eDesignate project resulting in the availability of data that is used explicitly to evaluate the focus and effectiveness of critical program execution options. To measure the overall impact of strategies such as these, OFDT tracks Per Day Jail Cost, Health Care Cost Per Capita, and Per Day Detention costs.

Evidence: USMS "Yellow Tracker" Prisoner Data Report (Tab 4). OFDT Class Acquisition Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Class%20Acq%20Plan.pdf). US Attorney's Survey (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/USAttorney.Survey.Report.js.pdf). eDesigate Report(http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20IMS%20Report.pdf).

YES 12%

Does the program collaborate and coordinate effectively with related programs?

Explanation: Collaboration and coordination with all parties who have an interest in the program is inherent to the creation of OFDT as an oversight organization. Evidence of OFDT's collaboration and coordination is the best value for the government when the most appropriate balance of federal, state and local, and private detention bed space is achieved, particularly in meeting the bed space demand for critical court cities. When making best value decisions to resolve detention bed space shortages, OFDT considers such issues as location, detainee population, anticipated duration of need and available resources, both federal and non-federal, to determine the "best fit" in its three-pronged strategic approach. OFDT collaborates with local, state and private industry officials in addressing any bed shortage issues, such as in Montana where OFDT worked closely with private industry, the State, and the USMS in resolving issues regarding bed space. As another example, OFDT regularly attends professional and association meetings where the detention agencies, state and local governments and private industry were provided an opportunity to comment and provide input to the proposed Detention Services Schedule. In addition, OFDT partners with detention agencies (USMS and ICE) to seek resolution to detention issues. Examples of cross-agency cooperation include eIGA and the Detention Services Schedules projects, the eDesignate program, and the Quality Assurance Review program. OFDT's reliance on interagency workgroups has been instrumental in achieving significant cost containment in the detention account.

Evidence: IGA Core-Rate Report (Tab 1). Western Region Detention Pilot Facility Review Report (Tab 5). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Industry Meeting (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Services%20Schedule.pdf).

YES 12%

Does the program use strong financial management practices?

Explanation: OFDT has had clean audit opinions since 2001 and is free of material, internal control weaknesses. OFDT provides accurate and timely quarterly financial and performance status reports through the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to the Deputy Attorney General, reflecting OFDT's solvency since the third quarter of FY 2005 through the current fiscal year. OFDT's financial management practices have undergone extensive review and critique by DOJ's financial personnel and OFDT has incorporated all suggested corrections into its practices, while continuing to evaluate and implement procedures to further enhance financial management practices.

Evidence: DOJ's Financial Manager's Financial Integrity Act Corrective Actions End of Year Report (October 2005) (http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/annualreports/pr2005/P4/p51-62.pdf). OFDT Office Procurement Actions Policy (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Office%20Procedure%20Actions.pdf). OFDT Office Invoice Submissions Policy (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Invoice%20Submissions.pdf.

YES 12%

Has the program taken meaningful steps to address its management deficiencies?

Explanation: OFDT has had clean audit opinions since 2001 and is free of material internal control weaknesses. While the OFDT has had no formal corrective actions to be taken under the Financial Managers Financial Integrity Act, in 2004, on its own accord, OFDT embarked on an internal assessment to identify management deficiencies which it perceived were preventing the organization from adequately addressing the concerns and expectations of the Congress, OMB, and DOJ. At the completion of the assessment, OFDT briefed Department of Justice leadership and received concurrence on the proposed approach to correct or adjust for deficiencies. Subsequently, OFDT began restructuring itself and implementing management improvements to address identified operational and financial issues. The new organizational structure and management improvements now tie OFDT more accurately to its mission statement, as well as to the Attorney General's Strategic Goals, the President's Management Agenda, and Congressional intent. OFDT implemented cascading performance work plans for all employees, beginning with the Trustee and the Deputy Trustee, ensuring accountability and the accomplishment of targeted goals. OFDT also implemented several management improvements or enhancements including more frequent status updates on projects and initiatives including development of a weekly status report, improved internal processes for identification of skill gap training and targeted training to close the skill gap. In addition, OFDT constantly reviews and improves on any identified management deficiencies. The Deputy Trustee and division chiefs routinely identify and correct deficiencies. In order to ensure OFDT has met all financial obligations and to meet the goal of the President's Management Agenda item of improved financial performance, OFDT initiated a comprehensive review of internal financial operations. Areas of improvement were identified and after collaborating with key personnel, process improvements have been instituted and communicated. Additionally, OFDT uses an outside, independent expert to identify and correct management challenges. The expert is participating in the resolution of OFDT's external audit and, with the findings, works with OFDT personnel to implement solutions and controls, even if the item does not reach the level of a reportable finding. Division Chiefs also identify and correct management deficiencies. After recognizing a weakness in property accountability with the eDesignate initiative, the Division Chief tasked personnel to develop a property accountability database and implemented the solution to maintain 100% accountability of property, dispersed in several judicial districts in the Nation. Recognizing there was room for improvement in the President's Management Agenda item of budget and performance integration, OFDT sought out expert assistance to help improve OFDT's budget submission. The expert provided advice regarding how to improve the strategic plan by including performance measures and targets and ensured that OFDT's budget submission for FY2008 incorporated performance measures and a performance resource table.

Evidence: OFDT Reorganization Proposal submitted in 2004 (withdrawn) (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OrganizationProposal%2026Feb2006.pdf). Grant Thorton SOW (http://ofdt.razouky.com/grant%20thomton%20sow.pdf) OFDT's Internal Control Guidance (http://ofdt.razouky.com/internal%20control%20guidance.pdf) OFDT's Performance Resource Table (http://ofdt.razouky.com/ofdt%20perf%20resource%20table.pdf) OFDT's IT Property Database (http://ofdt.razouky.com/ofdt%20it%20property%20db.pdr).

YES 12%

Is the program managed by maintaining clearly defined deliverables, capability/performance characteristics, and appropriate, credible cost and schedule goals?

Explanation: All contracts awarded by OFDT are fixed-price, and all detention services contracts are performance-based. Contracts contain explicit guidance and criteria which address expected achievements, annual impacts and long-term accomplishment of goals. Specific contract performance standards are included with all solicitations for detention services, and outline consequences of non-performance (i.e., failing to complete the work within the time specified in the contract) as well as conditions of a fixed-price contract. Acquisition Plans are used for management decisions, e.g., the OFDT Class Acquisition Plan. Performance Reviews of detention facilities are conducted on the basis of performance standards in the contract and deficiencies noted are corrected by the contractor. Deduction procedures are implemented if deficiencies are not corrected.

Evidence: OFDT Reduction Policy (Tab 3). Western Region Detention Pilot Facility Review Report (Tab 5). Western Region Detention Facility Contract (Tab 6). OFDT Class Acquisition Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Class%20Acq%20Plan.pdf). Medical Support Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Medical%20Support.pdf). Detention Expert Services Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Expert%20Services.pdf).

YES 12%
Section 3 - Program Management Score 100%
Section 4 - Program Results/Accountability
Number Question Answer Score

Has the program demonstrated adequate progress in achieving its long-term performance goals?

Explanation: OFDT has demonstrated progress in achieving the long term goal of meeting the nation's detention requirements by ensuring efficient use of detention space in the most cost-efficient and operationally-effective manner by keeping per day jail costs below the national inflation rate as reflected in OFDT's Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) reports. As evidenced in OFDT's Strategic Plan, individual Project Plans, and by completed pilots, the projects are moving aggressively towards accomplishing OFDT's long-term goal of efficient and adequate detention bed space in the most economical manner. OFDT has numerous projects in progress that are in support of the President's Management Agenda of expanding e-government, budget and performance integration, improved financial performance, and competitive sourcing. The projects include: 1) the developed and implemented multi-year approach to the improvement of detention services procurement which links interagency planning, budgeting, procuring and quality assurance reviews for private, state and local contracts into an automated interagency network system; 2) Interagency Multi-year Acquisition Plans for detention services which formalize and link the strategic objective for procurement to the budget process; 3) the eIGA Project, which establishes a standardized pricing strategy for procuring detention services from state and local governments, and automates the entire process of establishing intergovernmental agreements for detention services; 4) the project plan for a Detention Services Schedule which simplifies the acquisition of detention services from the private sector which will result in volume discounting to all detention agencies; and, 5) the Quality Assurance Review Program, which demonstrates OFDT's progress in accomplishing its long-term goal of validating performance-based detention service contracts. There are additional long-term projects that focus on achieving adequate and efficient use of space, such as reducing post-sentenced time in detention and ensuring adequate detention space in mission critical locations. Although not fully implemented, the rollout for the reduction in detention time focuses on prisoner processing and transportation improvements that will continue through 2006 and 2007. However, the progress is clearly evidenced by the reduction of post-sentencing time-in-detention in the locations where eDesignate has been implemented. Available data from multiple sources demonstrates that there has been a significant reduction in time in detention, e.g., for the District of Arizona (the initial pilot district), post-sentencing detention time decreased from approximately 58 days during 2004 to 38 days during 2005. Finally OFDT's long- term goal of increasing the efficiency of JPATS is moving forward with several primary projects for equitable distribution of costs and faster prisoner movement within available resources. For example, the Pricing Methodology and Staffing Model project for JPATS ensures financial management integrity and efficiency because it ensures the equitable distribution of costs and expenses for customers of JPATS as it relates to the JPATS workforce, increasing productivity and operational efficiencies. Another example is the increase of in-transit housing and transportation hubs (which has two sites in place as pilots) and will be expanded in 2006 and 2007, if data validation shows efficiency.

Evidence: Multi-Year Acquisition Plan (Tab 2). Department of Justice's Performance & Accountability Report (FY2005). OFDT Strategic Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/OFDT%20Strategic%20Plan%20AAGA%20Approved.pdf). OFDT Performance Measure Matrix (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/PerformanceMeasurePART.pdf). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Detention Services Schedule Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Project%20Plan%20DSS%20Draft%204%20Apr%2006%20v3.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf).

YES 20%

Does the program (including program partners) achieve its annual performance goals?

Explanation: OFDT consistently monitors performance through key performance indicators. As indicated in the Performance Measures section, OFDT met the 2005 targets for: Average Daily Population Detained; Per Day Jail Cost; Per Day Detention Cost and, Number of Days in Detention Awaiting Transportation (From Designation to Commitment). Health Care Cost Per Capita is a new measure (in which 2005 serves as the baseline year) and the Percent of Targeted Non-Federal Facilities Meeting Standards is another new measure, designed to capture the success of the OFDT Quality Assurance Program which was implemented in 2006.

Evidence: The per day jail costs measure is included in budget submissions and in GPRA reports.

YES 20%

Does the program demonstrate improved efficiencies or cost effectiveness in achieving program goals each year?

Explanation: Since OFDT's long-term goal, Per Day Detention Cost, as well as the Per Day Jail Cost are measures of efficiency (unit cost), they clearly demonstrate the success of various strategies to achieve improved efficiency and cost effectiveness. OFDT continually looks to drive efficiencies and has initiated over $100 million in cost containment projects since June 2005. OFDT accomplished this by partnering with BOP to increase allocation of BOP beds to the USMS reducing post sentencing time in detention, increased funding provided to the Federal Judiciary for the alternatives to detention program, and increased cost efficient modes of in-transit housing for prisoner moves. For many projects, OFDT has relied extensively on information technology (IT) and a breadth of data describing the detention process and its components that has been exploited only under the leadership of OFDT to accomplish its goals. For example, OFDT developed and implemented the eDesignate program with a clear goal of reducing the numbers of days in detention from sentencing to commitment. This project involved partnering with several detention agencies to more efficiently process the transfer of paper documents that are required by the BOP to designate sentenced prisoners to an appropriate correctional institution. Not only did eDesignate result in substantial reductions of time-in-detention for sentenced prisoners in the pilot districts, but substantial staffing resources were unencumbered by the elimination of redundant work and the re-engineering of the business process. This E-Gov project received an Attorney General's Award in 2005.

Evidence: eDesignate Report (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20IMS%20Report.pdf). eIGA Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Core%20Pricing%20Model%20Project%20Plan.pdf).

YES 20%

Does the performance of this program compare favorably to other programs, including government, private, etc., with similar purpose and goals?

Explanation: OFDT is truly distinct in its mission and function. There are no other programs that provide oversight of federal detention issues.

Evidence: Public Law 106-553 (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Public%20Law%20106-553.pdf).

NA 0%

Do independent evaluations of sufficient scope and quality indicate that the program is effective and achieving results?

Explanation: While OFDT has a quality assurance program in place for detention operations via the American Correctional Association bi-annual standards and the Quality Assurance Reviews, OFDT does not yet have in place an independent evaluation tool of sufficient scope to measure the program's oversight functions.

Evidence: Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf). Federal Performance-Based Detention Standards (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/FedPerfBaseStds.pdf). American Corrections Association (http://www.aca.org).

NO 0%

Were program goals achieved within budgeted costs and established schedules?

Explanation: OFDT's per day jail costs are below the targeted costs for the past two fiscal years. OFDT makes extensive use of Service Contracts to meet organizational goals. OFDT service contracts ensure that: requirements for services are clearly defined; appropriate performance standards are developed; contractors are monitored to ensure performance is in accordance with contract terms and conditions; and, services are obtained within budget constraints and established schedules. OFDT has sufficiently trained and experienced officials to manage and oversee this contract administration function which helps ensure that the program managers maintain control over the service contracts. For example, in FY 2005, OFDT contracted for the creation of the eDesignate system which called for the design, testing and implementation of an automated system which was completed on time and within budgeted costs. In FY 06, OFDT contracted for specialized services to assist with the performance assessments of private, State and local detention service providers; the project is on schedule and is being performed within budgeted costs.

Evidence: Per day jail costs targets & actual (Performance Measure #2). eDesignate Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/eDes%20Project%20Plan.pdf). eDesignate Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Edesignate%20Contract.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Subject Matter Expert Contract (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/Detention%20Expert%20Services.pdf). Quality Assurance Review Project Plan (http://ofdt.razouky.com/docs/QAR%20Project%20Plan.pdf).

YES 20%
Section 4 - Program Results/Accountability Score 80%

Last updated: 09062008.2006SPR