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SAFECOM functions as the key Federal coordinator for promoting and providing support to local, tribal, state, and Federal public safety agencies for the improvement of public safety response through more effective and efficient interoperable wireless communications.

There are 60,000 law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service (EMS) agencies nationwide.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Federal agencies aligning to the SAFECOM program 100% Q1 FY08 100% 100% 100%
100% Q3 FY07
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 4/06

11 out of a total of 11 Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC) agencies have aligned to the SAFECOM program. Alignment is defined as being in compliance with the P25 Standards, a suite of eight standards for the manufacturing of interoperable digital two-way wireless communications products.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of grant programs for public safety wireless communication that include SAFECOM-approved grant guidance 100% Q1 FY08 100% 100% 100%
100% Q3 FY07
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 10/06

3 out of a total of 3 Federal programs that distribute grants for interoperable communications include SAFECOM grant guidance. These programs are the Grants Program Directorate within FEMA, the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPs), and the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's grant program.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of fire/emergency medical services and law enforcement organizations that have established formal interoperability agreements with other public safety organizations 50% Q1 FY08 See Description See Description 100%
50% As of 9/06
50% As of Q4 FY06

22,400 randomly-selected law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service (EMS) organization nationwide received the Baseline survey. 6,819 agencies completed the survey (30.44% response rate). The survey results have a 99% confidence interval. The next survey will be conducted in FY08 with results available in FY09. The FY09 target is 65%.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of public safety agencies that report using interoperability to some degree in their operations 66% Q1 FY08 See Description See Description 100%
66% As of 9/06
66% As of Q4 FY06

22,400 randomly-selected law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service (EMS) organization nationwide received the Baseline survey. 6,819 agencies completed the survey (30.44% response rate). The survey results have a 99% confidence interval. The next survey will be conducted in FY08 with results available in FY09. The FY09 target is 75%.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of states that have initiated or completed a statewide interoperability plan 100% Q1 FY08 100% 100% 100%
100% Q4 FY07
91% As of 3/07
32% As of 1/06

56 out of a total of 56 US states and territories (including all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and territories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico) have initiated a statewide interoperability plan.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction 75 As of Q1 FY08 Not Available Not Available Not Available

No customer satisfaction survey has been performed to date. SAFECOM is conducting interviews with points of contact for all organizations that participate in SAFECOM’s formal stakeholder groups.  The evaluators will interview as many current participants as needed to develop an accurate assessment of how well SAFECOM interacts with and responds to its customers. The list of stakeholders includes intergovernmental stakeholders; state and local stakeholders; and Federal stakeholders.

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