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Presidential Initiatives

IT Infrastructure

Portfolio Manager

Jeff Koch

Managing Partner

General Services Administration (GSA)

Program Manager

Eric Won


An effective and efficient IT infrastructure enabling government-wide customer-centric services.

Initiative Goals

  • Infrastructure enables interoperability of functions across agencies and programs.
  • Optimize the infrastructure to enable collaboration within and across agencies, sectors, and government levels.
  • Efficiencies realized from infrastructure investments will be recapitalized in support of agency mission.
  • Infrastructure investment governed to achieve agency mission and government-wide goals.

Exhibit 300

Managing Partner Agency Exhibit 300

The IT Infrastructure LoB will identify the opportunities for IT infrastructure consolidation and optimization, and develop government-wide common solutions. This LoB will define specific common performance measures for service levels and costs, identify best practices, and develop guidance for transition plans within agencies and/or across agencies. Consolidation and optimization of IT infrastructure represents a significant opportunity to realize future cost savings by taking a more coordinated approach to spending on commodity IT infrastructure. IT infrastructure consolidation and optimization case studies also demonstrate agencies could improve IT service levels and, when relieved of the burden of managing these non-core functions, can concentrate more on mission priorities and results.

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