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June 28 — 29, 2007 Advisory Committee Meeting

Introduction and Swearing in of the Committee

John O. Agwunobi, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services introduced Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who welcomed the committee and the members of the public observing the meeting.

Secretary Leavitt stressed the importance of science-based physical activity guidelines agreed-upon by experts in the field in improving the health of Americans. The Guidelines will play a key role in the President's Healthier U.S. Initiative that consists four pillars: 1) being physically active every day, 2) eating a diet consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for America, 3) getting prevention screenings, and 4) avoiding risky behaviors.

The Secretary indicated the Committee's work will build upon the success of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and will guide the development of the first cycle of Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The ability for people to know what kind of physical activity they need for their individual lifestyle and condition, and how to couple that with proper nutrition will be invaluable in preventing chronic disease and improving the health of their fellow Americans.

In preparation for the swearing-in of the Committee, ADM Agwunobi individually introduced the members of the committee as follows:

Chair, William Haskell, Stanford University
Vice-Chair, Miriam Nelson, Tufts University

Members of the Committee

Rod Dishman, University of Georgia
Edward Howley, The University of Tennessee
Wendy Kohrt, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
William Kraus, Duke University of Medical Center
I-Min Lee, Harvard Medical School
Anne McTiernan, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Russell Pate, University of South Carolina (in absentia, sworn in at end of day)
Kenneth Powell, Public Health and Epidemiologic Consultant
Judith Regensteiner, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
James Rimmer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Antronette Yancey, University of California at Los Angeles School of Public Health

Secretary Leavitt administered the oath to the Committee and Committee Members took their seats at the conference table.

Penelope Slade Royall, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services thanked the Committee for agreeing to participate in this process and thanked the support staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for their work in preparation for this Advisory Committee Meeting. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health advised the Committee that they are a federal advisory committee guided by the Federal Advisory Committee Act and as such the Committee must follow certain rules designed to maintain transparency and accountability to the public. The Committee's main charge is to advise the Secretary on the science and evidence that will guide the publication of the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Through a time limited process, the Committee will review the science and literature and identify where there is sufficient evidence to make recommendations on Physical Activity Guidelines and identify areas where more research is needed. The Committee's focus should be towards guiding HHS rather than translating the science into specific recommendations.


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This page last updated on: 10/7/2008

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Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.