
Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: International Education Programs Service

CFDA Number: 84.337
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Description

Program Brochure download files PDF (93K) | MS Word (38K)

This program provides grants to develop innovative techniques or programs that address national teaching and research needs in international education and foreign languages by using technologies to access, collect, organize, preserve, and widely disseminate information on world regions and countries other than the United States.

Types of Projects

Grants may be used to:

Additional Information

Match Required

The Federal share of the total cost of carrying out a grant supported by this program shall not be more than 66 2/3 percent. The non-Federal share of such cost may be provided either in-kind or in cash, and may include contributions from private sector corporations or foundations.

Last Modified: 09/15/2008