
DOI EMS Case Studies

Environmental Achievement Awards Recipients, and White House Closing the Circle Awards Recipients

  • NPS Concession Environmental Management Program, NPS
    “Greens” contracts with NPS concessioners by encouraging the use of best environmental practices, EMSs, and follows-up with environmental audits. moremore
  • Charles M. Russell NWR, FWS
    National Wildlife Refuge implements a comprehensive EMS. moremore
  • Glen Canyon Field Division, BOR
    An early EMS managing hazardous waste at Glen Canyon Dam.
  • Gary Melvin, FWS
    Creating an EMS at the remote Alaska Peninsula/Bercharof National Wildlife Refuge. moremore
  • Blue and Gold Fleet, LP, NPS
    A concessioner that provides ferry services to NPS’s Alcatraz Island and other San Francisco Bay Area destinations uses an EMS to manage their boat fleet and facilities. moremore
  • Xanterra Parks & Resorts, NPS
    NPS concessioner at many parks with a company-wide ISO 14001 certified EMS and outstanding corporate environmental report.
  • Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts, NPS
    ISO 14001 EMS certification at NPS concessioner-run facilities. moremore
  • Signal Mountain Lodge, NPS
    NPS concessioner uses ISO 14001 certified EMS to manage facilities including hotel and store. moremore


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08