Safety and Health Topics |
Emergency Preparedness and Response |
Focus |
OSHA and its State Plan partners help set and implement
national safety and health standards for emergency responders. Foremost among
these standards is the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
standard of
29 CFR 1910.120(q).
Specialty topics include: Chemical, Biological, Bioterrorism, Radiation, Personal Protective Equipment, Training and Education,
The following questions link to information relevant to emergency preparedness
and response.
What standards apply?
OSHA | Other Federal |
What tools are available for responders?
First Responders | First Receivers | Skilled Support Personnel | More |
What tools are available for general worksites?
Emergency Action Plans | Evacuation Matrix | Fire/Explosion Matrix | More |
How does OSHA support the National Response System?
Worker S&H Annex | NRP | NEMP | Inside the Green Line | More |
What additional information is available?
DHS | DOL/OSHA | White House | CDC/NIOSH | NIEHS | USPS | More |
In Focus |
California Wildfires
Hot Topics
Hurricane Recovery
Workers Safe During Clean Up and Recovery Operations Following Hurricanes.
OSHA. Includes information such as news releases,
public service announcements, fact sheets, frequently asked questions,
and more. It also features 29 individual task- and
operation-specific activity sheets that help employers evaluate hazards and
provides guidance on reducing employee exposures during disaster operations like
debris collection, tree trimming, utility restoration, building demolition and
Hurricane eMatrix: Hazard Exposure and Risk Assessment Matrix for
Hurricane Response & Recovery Work.
eMatrix, (2006, December). Provides
information on many of the most common and significant additional hazards that
response and recovery workers might encounter when working in an area recently
devastated by a hurricane. This Matrix highlights a number of tasks and
operations associated with disaster response and recovery.
Work Zone Traffic
Safety During Disaster Recovery Efforts. OSHA, (2007,
October), 338 KB
PDF, 2 pages. Includes general information on sign use and placement,
traffic control, flaggers, lighting, and training. It also includes
diagrams illustrating hand signaling and the set up of temporary traffic
control zones.
Inspection Procedures for 29 CFR 1910.120 and 1926.65, Paragraph (q):
Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Releases. OSHA Directive
CPL 02-02-073, (2007, August 27). Also available as a 444 KB
PDF, 119 pages. Updates enforcement procedures for compliance
officers who need to conduct inspections of emergency response
operations. It defines additional terms and expands on training
requirements for emergency responders and other groups such as skilled
support personnel. This OSHA instruction revises CPL 02-02-059, issued
April 24, 1998.
Resilience Resources for Emergency Response. OSHA and the National Institute
for Occupational Safety Health (NIOSH), (2007).
Provides resources for addressing emotional and physical health issues
that may arise before, during, and after emergency response efforts and
includes some educational materials that can assist
employees, their families and supervisors before, during and after
OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database. OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), (2007).
Compiles information from several government
agencies and organizations. Available database reports include: "Physical
Properties," "Exposure Guidelines," "NIOSH Pocket Guide," and "Emergency
Response Information," including the DOT Emergency Response Guide. In
addition, an all-in-one report, "Full Report," is available.
Order 01-2006 - Establishment of the Emergency Management Center (EMC)
and the Comprehensive Emergency Management Program (CEMP). OSHA
Federal Register Notice 70:4027-4030, (2006, January 24).
OSHA Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers of Victims. OSHA,
(2004, December 20). Provides hospitals with practical
information to assist them in developing and implementing emergency management
plans that address the protection of hospital-based emergency department
personnel during the receipt of contaminated victims from mass casualty
incidents occurring at locations other than the hospital. Among other topics,
it covers victim decontamination, personal protective equipment, and employee
training, and also includes several informational appendices.
- Safety and Health Guides.
OSHA, (2005, March 1). Provides an overview of worker hazards related to various emergencies. The
Guides were designed for use as a
general handout during an emergency event, or as a training supplement for emergency preparation.
- Innovative
Workplace Safety Accommodations for Hearing-Impaired Workers. OSHA
Safety and Health Information Bulletin (SHIB), (2005, July 22).
OSHA. Provides information about Anthrax, including risk, preparation and clean-up.
- Evacuation Plans and Procedures. OSHA. Assists businesses
to implement an emergency action plan, and comply with OSHA's emergency standards.
- Eye and Face Protection. OSHA.
Provides compliance assistance to employers and employees, helps implement requirements for a
assessment, and aids in the selection of
eye and face protective equipment.
Incident Command System/Unified Command (ICS/UC). OSHA. Provides basic
information about the Incident Command System and the Unified Command, specifically as it relates to the National Contingency Plan
40 CFR 300.
- Respiratory Protection.
OSHA. Helps users comply with the new OSHA respirator standard. Instructs users on the proper selection of respiratory
protection and the development of change schedules for gas/vapor cartridges.
Expert Systems
Electronic Health and Safety Program (eHASP)2.
OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), (2006, March). Assists the user in
determining the appropriate controls of health and safety hazards for their
sites. Created in
cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the updated eHASP
Guide uses modern (Windows-based) software, site-specific text, and expanded
decision logic.
Permit Required Confined Spaces software
(e-PRCS). OSHA, (2000, September). Assists users in developing written programs by
prompting them for information about particular their
work-sites, confined spaces, and company policies and