Spellings Praises House Action on Teacher Merit Pay, Pell Grants

June 17, 2005
Contact: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today released the following statement regarding the House Appropriations Committee's vote on a bill that includes merit pay for educators and increased funding for Pell Grants:

"In an era of rising standards and accountability, spurred by the No Child Left Behind Act, quality teachers are critical. America's educators are working harder and smarter to raise student achievement levels. And their success deserves to be rewarded.

"I want to thank the members of the House Appropriations Committee for taking an important first step by approving an innovative $100 million Teacher Incentive Fund, which was first proposed by the president this year. It will reward teachers and principals who show progress in raising achievement levels and closing the achievement gap.

"The legislators deserve credit as well for acting on the president's request to increase individual Pell Grants to the highest amount in history and pay off the shortfall in the Pell Grant program. President Bush made a significant commitment in his budget to increase funding for Pell Grants by providing more assistance to low-income students for higher education.

"President Bush believes that educators who show results deserve more than words of praise, and that more students should have the opportunity to go to college. The committee's actions earn our applause on both counts."



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Last Modified: 06/17/2005

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