Welcome! From this site you can access resources to help you
prevent occupational injuries and illnesses, comply with the Occupational Safety and
Health Act, and learn about OSHA's cooperative programs.
If you are in a state with an OSHA-approved State Program, you may be subject to different
or additional requirements, and different or additional cooperative programs may be available to you. If you are a federal agency official or employee, please see the Federal Agency Programs page.
Compliance Assistance Resources
- Other Compliance Assistance Resources
Highlights |
Compliance Assistance Quick Start is a tool to introduce
employers and employees, especially those at new or small businesses, to the compliance assistance resources on OSHA’s website. Quick Start currently includes modules
By following the step-by-step guides, you can generate an initial set of compliance assistance materials tailored to your workplace.
DOL Quick Links |
Compliance Assistance resources from other Department of Labor agencies and other federal agencies: