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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
November 21, 2007

Somalia Humanitarian Crisis

We are seriously concerned by the humanitarian situation in Somalia. We call on all parties, including the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), to ensure unfettered delivery of humanitarian aid to affected populations, and encourage all Somalis to work toward an effective ceasefire arrangement that will reduce the level of violence in Mogadishu and prevent further deaths and displacement of innocent people. We will continue to work closely with our international partners and the donor community to respond to the humanitarian needs of the Somali people.

We remain committed to resolving the ongoing political and humanitarian crises in Somalia by working with regional partners to encourage inclusive political dialogue, resume the transitional political process outlined by the Transitional Federal Charter, and facilitate the urgent deployment of additional peacekeeping forces. All Somali parties must commit to a non-violent political process within the context of this comprehensive approach to establish lasting peace and stability in Somalia. We urge all Somali stakeholders to renew their efforts towards political dialogue and to remain focused on ensuring free and fair elections in 2009.


Released on November 21, 2007

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