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Press Statement
Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
December 28, 2001

European Union Action Against Terrorism

The United States welcomes the actions taken December 28 by the Council of the European Union, which constitute another important contribution to the continuing fight against terrorism and reflect the EU's determination to "combat terrorism in every shape and form." The Council has adopted a "common position", a framework regulation, and an implementing decision that significantly strengthen its legal and administrative ability, and that of EU member states, to take action against terrorists and their supporters --including freezing their assets.

The decisions also lay the foundation for even greater cooperation among EU member states in anti-terrorism efforts. The EU has specifically identified, and listed, a number of individuals and entities against whom asset-freezes and other measures are to be applied.

We have always emphasized that international cooperation is vital in combating terrorism. The EU actions complement our own efforts. They also provide implementing measures in line with the provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 on combating terrorism.


Released on December 28, 2001

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