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Bureau of Public Affairs
Electronic Information and Publications
Biographies Listed by Title or Country
 - Secretary of State
 - Deputy Secretary of State
 - Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator
 - Under Secretaries
 - Assistant Secretaries and Equivalent Rank
 - Other Senior Officials
 - Chiefs of Mission Listed by Country or Organization

Biographies Listed by Title or Country

Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice

Deputy Secretary of State
John D. Negroponte

Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator
Henrietta H. Fore

Under Secretaries
Arms Control and International Security: John Rood
Democracy and Global Affairs: Paula Dobriansky
Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs: Reuben Jeffery III
Management: Patrick F. Kennedy
Political Affairs: William J. Burns
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs: James K. Glassman 

Assistant Secretaries and Equivalent Rank
Administration: Rajkumar Chellaraj
African Affairs: Jendayi Frazer
Chief Information Officer, Information Resource Management: Susan Swart
Civil Rights: Barry L. Wells
Civil Rights: John M. Robinson
Consular Affairs: Janice L. Jacobs
Counselor of the Department: Eliot A. Cohen
Counterterrorism (Coordinator): Dell L. Dailey
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor: David J. Kramer
Diplomatic Security: Eric J. Boswell
Director General: Harry K. Thomas, Jr.
Director, Policy Planning Staff: Dr. David F. Gordon
East Asian and Pacific Affairs: Christopher R. Hill
Economic and Business Affairs: Daniel S. Sullivan
Educational and Cultural Affairs: Goli Ameri
European and Eurasian Affairs: Daniel Fried
Executive Secretary: Daniel B. Smith
Foreign Service Institute (Director): Ruth A. Whiteside
Global AIDS Coordinator: Mark Dybul
Inspector General: Harold W. Geisel (Acting)
Intelligence and Research: Randall M. Fort
International Information Programs: Jeremy Curtain, Coordinator
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: David T. Johnson
International Organization Affairs, Brian H. Hook 
International Security and Nonproliferation: John C. Rood
International Women's Issues (Senior Coordinator): Andrea G. Bottner,
Legal Adviser: John B. Bellinger III
Legislative Affairs: Matthew A. Reynolds
Medical Services: Laurence G. Brown, MD
Near Eastern Affairs: C. David Welch
Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs: Claudia McMurray
Overseas Building Operations: Richard J. Shinnick (Ad Interim)
Political-Military Affairs: Mark Kimmitt
--  Population, Refugees, and Migration: Vacant
Protocol (Chief): Nancy Goodman Brinker
Public Affairs: Sean McCormack
Reconstruction and Stabilization Coordinator: John Herbst
Resource Management (Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer): Higgins, Bradford R.
South and Central Asian Affairs: Richard A. Boucher
Verification, Compliance, and Implementation: Paula A. DeSutter
War Crimes Issues (Ambassador-at-Large): Clint Williamson
Western Hemisphere Affairs: Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Other Senior Officials
Chief of Staff: Brian Gunderson
Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy: David A. Gross
Director, Office of International Women's Issues: Andrea G. Bottner
Director, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons: Ambassador-Designate Mark P. Lagon
Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary, Dr. Nina V. Fedoroff
Senior Adviser on Women's Empowerment: Dr. Shirin Tahir-Kheli
Senior Adviser, Coordinator for Iraq: David M. Satterfield
Senior Coordinator for Iraqi Refuee Issues: James B. Foley
Senior Official for APEC: Patricia M. Haslach
Senior Represenative to Sudan, Sudan Programs Group: Lauren R. Landis
Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues: J. Christian Kennedy
Special Envoy for Human Rights in North Korea: Jay Lefkowitz
Special Envoy for Organization of the Islamic Conference: Sada Cumber
Special Envoy for Somalia: John M. Yates
Special Envoy for Sudan: Richard S. Williamson
Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: Gregg Rickman
Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs: J. Frank Mermoud

Chiefs of Mission Listed by Country or Organization
Afghanistan: William Braucher Wood
African Union: John A. Simon
Albania: John L. Withers, II
Algeria: Robert S. Ford
Angola: Dan Mozena
Argentina: Earl Anthony Wayne
--  Armenia: Vacant
Australia: Robert D. McCallum, Jr.
Austria: David F. Girard-diCarlo
Azerbaijan: Anne E. Derse
Bahamas, The: Ned L. Siegal
Bahrain: Joseph Adam Ereli
Bangladesh: James F. Moriarty
Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean: Mary M. Ourisman
Belarus: Jonathan Moore, Charge d'Affaires
Belgium: Sam Fox
Belize: Robert J. Dieter
Benin: Gayleatha B. Brown
Bermuda: Gregory W. Slayton
Bernicat, Marcia
Bolivia: Krishna R. Urs (Charge d'Affaires)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Charles L. English
Botswana: Stephen J. Nolan
Brazil: Clifford M. Sobel
Brunei Darussalam: William E. Todd
Bulgaria: Nancy McEldowney
Burkina Faso: Jeanine Jackson
Burma: Larry M. Dinger
Burundi: Patricia Moller
Cambodia: Carol A. Rodley
Cameroon: Janet E. Garvey
Canada: David H. Wilkins
Cape Verde: Marianne M. Myles
Central African Republic: Frederick B. Cook
Chad: Louis Nigro
Chile: Paul E. Simons
China (People's Republic of): Clark T. Randt, Jr.
Colombia: William R. Brownfield
Comoros/Madagascar: R. Niels Marquardt
Congo, Democratic Republic of : William J. Garvelink
Congo, Republic of : Alan Eastham
Costa Rica: Peter Cianchette
Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of: Wanda Nesbitt
Croatia: Robert A. Bradtke
Cuba: Jonathan D. Farrar
Cyprus: Frank C. Urbancic
Czech Republic: Richard W. Graber
Denmark: James P. Cain
Djibouti: James C. Swan
Dominican Republic: P. Robert Fannin
--  Eastern Caribbean: See Barbados
Ecuador: Heather M. Hodges
Egypt: Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr.
El Salvador: Charles L. Glazer
Equatorial Guinea: Donald C. Johnson
Eritrea, State of: Ronald McMullen
Estonia: Stanley Davis (Dave) Phillips
Ethiopia: Yamamoto, Donald Y.
European Union: Kristen Silverberg
Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, Tuvalu: C. Steven McGann
Finland: Barbara Barrett
France: Craig Roberts Stapleton
--  Gabon/Sao Tome & Principe: Eunice S. Reddick
Gambia: Barry L. Wells
Georgia: John Tefft
Germany: William R. Timken, Jr.
Ghana: Donald Teitelbaum
Greece: Daniel V. Speckhard
Guatemala: Stephen G. McFarland
--  Guinea: Vacant
Guyana: John Melvin Jones
Haiti: Janet A. Sanderson
Holy See: Mary Ann Glendon
Honduras: Hugo Llorens
Hong Kong: Joseph R. Donovan Jr.
Hungary: April H. Foley
Iceland: Carol Van Voorst
India: David C. Mulford
Indonesia: Cameron R. Hume
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): Donald T. Bliss, Ambassador
Iraq: Ryan C. Crocker
Ireland: Thomas C. Foley
Israel: James B. Cunningham 
Italy: Ronald P. Spogli
Jamaica: Brenda LaGrange Johnson
Japan: J. Thomas Schieffer
Jerusalem: Jacob Walles
Jordan: Robert Stephen Beecroft
Kazakhstan: Richard E. Hoagland
Kenya: Michael E. Ranneberger
Korea, Republic of: Alexander Vershbow
Kuwait: Deborah K. Jones
Kyrgyz Republic: Tatiana C. Gfoeller
Laos: Ravic R. Huso
Latvia: Charles W. Larson
Lebanon: Michele Sison
Lesotho, Kingdom of: Robert Nolan
Liberia: Linda Thomas-Greenfield
Libya: John Christopher Stevens
--  Liechtenstein: Peter R. Coneway
Lithuania: John A. Cloud
Luxembourg: Ann Wagner
Macedonia: Philip T. Reeker
--  Madagascar: R. Niels Marquardt
Malawi: Peter Bodde
Malaysia: James Keith
--  Maldives: Robert O. Blake
--  Mali: Vacant
Malta: Molly Bordonaro
Marshall Islands: Clyde Bishop
Mauritania: Mark Boulware
Mauritius: Cesar B. Cabrera
Mexico: Antonio O. Garza, Jr.
Micronesia: Suzanne K. Hale
Micronesia; Miriam K. Hughes
Moldova: Michael D. Kirby
--  Monaco: Craig Roberts Stapleton
Mongolia: Mark C. Minton
Montenegro: Roderick W. Moore
Morocco: Thomas Riley
--  Mozambique: Vacant
NATO: Kurt Volker, U.S. Permanent Representative
Namibia: Gail D. Mathieu
Nepal: Nancy Powell
Netherlands Antilles and Aruba: Timothy J. Dunn
Netherlands: James B. Culbertson
New Zealand and Samoa: William P. McCormick
Nicaragua: Robert J. Callahan 
Niger: Bernadette Allen
Nigeria: Robin R. Sanders
Norway: Benson K. Whitney
OECD: Christopher F. Egan
OSCE: Julie Finley
Oman: Gary A. Grappo
Organization of American States: Hector E. Morales, Jr., Permanent Representative
Pakistan: Anne W. Patterson
Palau: Mark Bezner
Panama: Barbara J. Stephenson
Papua New Guinea: Leslie V. Rowe
Paraguay: Liliana Ayalde
Peru: P. Michael McKinley
Philippines: Kristie A. Kenney
Poland: Victor Ashe
Portugal: Thomas F. Stephenson
Pristina, Kosovo: Tina S. Kaidanow, Chief of Mission 
Qatar: Chase Untermeyer
Qatar: Joseph LeBaron 
Romania: Nicholas Frank Taubman
Russia: John Beyrle
Rwanda: Michael R. Arietti
Sao Tome & Principe/Gabon: Eunice S. Reddick
Saudi Arabia: Ford M. Fraker
--  Senegal: Vacant
Serbia: Cameron Munter
--  Seychelles: Cesar B. Cabrera
Sierra Leone: June Carter Perry
Singapore: Patricia Herbold
Slovakia: Vincent Obsitnik
Slovenia: Yousif B. Ghafari
Somalia: John M. Yates, Special Envoy
South Africa: Eric M. Bost
South Korea: Kathleen Stephens
Spain: Eduardo Aguirre, Jr.
Sri Lanka and Maldives: Robert O. Blake
Sudan, Special Envoy: Richard S. Williamson
Sudan: Alberto M. Fernandez, Charge d'Affaires
Suriname: Lisa Bobbie Schreiber Hughes
Swaziland, Kingdom of: Maurice S. Parker
Sweden: Michael M. Wood
Switzerland: Peter R. Coneway
--  Syria: Vacant
Tajikistan: Tracey Ann Jacobson
Tanzania: Mark Green
Thailand: Eric G. John
Timor-Leste: Hans G. Klemm
Togo: Patricia McMahon Hawkins
Trinidad and Tobago: Roy L. Austin
Tunisia: Robert F. Godec
Turkey: Ross Wilson
--  Turkmenistan: Vacant
Uganda: Steven A. Browning
Ukraine: William B. Taylor
United Arab Emirates: Martin R. Quinn
United Kingdom: Robert Holmes Tuttle
United Nations/Geneva: Warren W. Tichenor, Ambassador
United Nations/Paris: Ambassador Louise V. Oliver, Permanent Representative
United Nations/Rome: Gaddi H. Vasquez, Ambassador
United Nations/Vienna: Ambassador Greg Schulte, Permanent Representative
United Nations: Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative
Uruguay: Frank E. Baxter
Uzbekistan: Richard B. Norland
Venezuela: John Caulfield (Charge d'Affaires)
Vietnam: Michael W. Michalak
Yemen: Stephen Seche
Zambia: Donald Booth
Zimbabwe, Republic of: James D. McGee

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