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Warren W. Tichenor
Ambassador, United Nations, Geneva
Term of Appointment: 06/12/2006 to present

Ambassador Warren W. TichenorAmbassador Warren W. Tichenor is the 17th United States Ambassador to the United Nations and other International Organization in Geneva having been sworn in on 12 June 2006 after being confirmed by unanimous consent in vote of the full Senate on 26 May 2006.  During his tenure at the State Department, Mr. Tichenor sees his main mission as to lead the U.S. Mission in Geneva in promoting and advancing United States Policy before the United Nations, member states of the United Nations and the International Organizations in Geneva.

“President Bush and I share a belief that our best days are ahead and that it is vital that the United States exert robust leadership throughout the UN system in pursuit of our values and interests,” Tichenor says.

Active in President Bush’s Presidential campaigns -- in the 2000 race -- Ambassador Tichenor served as Director of the Hispanic Campaign having served in a similar capacity in President Bush’s successful re-election campaign for Governor of Texas in 1998.

Prior to that he was President of W.W. Tichenor & Co., Inc., a San Antonio based private investment firm.  Before that Ambassador Tichenor began his career working in various positions in his family’s media company, Tichenor Media System, Inc.  The corporation was later to be known as Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation, the nation’s largest owner-operator of Spanish-language stations.  Hispanic Broadcasting merged in an all stock transaction with Univison Communications, the nations largest Spanish television company in late 2003.  This combined company owns the nation’s top Spanish television network, Spanish cable network, Spanish radio group, Spanish record company, and Spanish language Internet portal.

Ambassador Tichenor is a self described optimist who believes the highest calling in life is to serve others and has served on the boards, and in other capacities of various charitable, political, business and civic organizations.

A native Texan -- born in Harlingen in 1960 -- Ambassador Tichenor graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1982. 

Released on September 27, 2006

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