Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools Online Workshops
Drug & Violence Prevention Web Courses for Schools

The following continuing education workshops have already been implemented as live online events and are now available for review on this Web site. While many of these events were developed for and offered to middle school coordinators (MSCs) prior to the initiative's transition to full coverage of the K-12 grade range, they remain relevant for all coordinators. They contain valuable information, activities, and resources on key topics in the strategic planning and program delivery process.

Although the Discussion Areas of these events are now closed, you will still be able to view and download all of the materials that were available to coordinators when the events were actually conducted. This includes summaries of the online discussions that took place among event participants and Center staff.

Click on the links below to learn more about and access the online workshops that are currently available for review:

Issue Related Courses

Effective Strategies

Data Driven Decision-Making

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Last Modified: 09/05/2006