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Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs
Businesses Building Bridges for Afghanistan
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Businesses Building Bridges for Afghanistan

U.S. Businesses Supporting Afghan Entrepreneurs

Secretary Rice speaks at a joint press conference alongside the President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, in London, Monday Jan. 30, 2006.  [© AP/WWP]“These business leaders are going to lead private sector assistance in training and mentoring Afghan entrepreneurs in attracting future foreign investments and in leading business delegations to Afghanistan so that as the infrastructure and the economy grow, that it has a healthy private sector element to that growth.”

--Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, January 30, 2006

What Is the “Businesses Building Bridges” Initiative?

President Hamid Karzai On January 30, 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President Hamid Karzai introduced the "Businesses Building Bridges" (BBB) initiative to highlight the importance of the private sector in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. The Businesses Building Bridges initiative is designed to tap the knowledge, creativity, vision and good will of high-level American business leaders. It will bring together a select group of business leaders who can provide strategic vision and guidance to Afghan leaders on how best to activate private sector growth in Afghanistan. Over the course of one year, Businesses Building Bridges' leaders will develop a detailed set of recommendations for Afghan leaders on ways to support and promote the private sector. We also expect the group to develop partnership and mentoring links with Afghan business leaders, paving the way for future foreign investment and U.S. business involvement in the country.   



Businesses Building Bridges Initiative for Afghanistan
Under Secretary Sheeran hosts members of the Businesses Building Bridges Initiative for Afghanistan in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 2006 to meet with President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai.  Under Secretary Sheeran hosts members of the Businesses Building Bridges Initiative for Afghanistan in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 2006 to meet with President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. 

President Bush Welcomes President Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House
President Bush (Sept. 26):
"We discussed how the government is building institutions necessary for Afghans to have a secure future. We talked about how America and our international partners can continue to help. ... Our allies are working on initiatives to help the Afghan people in building a free Afghanistan."  full text

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