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Emergency Management Division


The Emergency Management Division establishes and disseminates policy and coordinates the development of bureau and office programs for an integrated and comprehensive program which spans the continuum of prevention, planning, response, and recovery.  The program encompasses all types of hazards and emergencies that impact Federal lands, facilities, infrastructure, and resources; Tribal lands and Insular Areas; the ability of the Department to execute essential functions; and for which assistance is provided to other units of government under Federal laws, Executive Orders, interagency emergency response plans such as the National Response Plan, and other agreements.


The Emergency Management Division is supervised by the Departmental Emergency Coordinator, who is an Assistant Director within the Office of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Management.  The division is composed of two branches: 

The Department has also established two coordinating activities to integrate and coordinate emergency planning and response activities across the Department:

Departmental Emergency Coordinator
Contact: 202-208-3721
The Departmental Emergency Coordinator and is the principal official responsible for:


Preparedness and Response Branch
Branch Chief: 202-208-5417

Continuity of Operations Branch
Branch Chief: 202-208-3052