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Offshore Alternative Energy Guide
 The Outer Continental Shelf
 Ocean Energy Resources
 Ocean Wave Energy
 Ocean Current Energy
 Offshore Wind Energy
 Offshore Solar Energy
 Hydrogen Generation
 Platform Alternate Use


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Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Images

Photos and diagrams of ocean renewable energy technologies.

Click the link or thumbnail image to see the full-size photo.

Wind Energy Photos

Aerial Photo of Offshore Windfarmclick to view larger image
Aerial Photo of Offshore Windfarm
Offshore Wind Facility Photoclick to view larger image
Offshore Wind Facility
Arklow Bank, Ireland Offshore Wind Facilityclick to view larger image
Offshore Wind Facility © GE Energy
Utgrunden Swedenclick to view larger image
Wind Facility, Sweden. © GE Energy
Aerial Photo of Offshore Wind Facilityclick to view larger image
Deepwater Turbine Evolution
Deepwater Turbine Concept Designsclick to view larger image
Deepwater Turbine Concept Designs

Wave Energy Photos

Point absorber wave energy farmclick to view larger image
Point Absorber Wave Energy Farm
"Wave Dragon" Prototype Overtopping Deviceclick to view larger image
"Wave Dragon" Prototype Overtopping Device
Rendition of a wave farm made up of Permanent Magnet Linear Generator Buoysclick to view larger image
Rendition of a Wave Farm Made Up of Permanent Magnet Linear Generator Buoys
Attenuator wave energy deviceclick to view larger image
Attenuator Wave Energy Device

Ocean Current Energy Photos

Current turbines visualizationclick to view larger image
Figure 1: Current Turbines Visualization
click to view larger image
Ocean Current Project

Solar Energy Photos

Sunset photo
Figure 1: Parabolic Trough System Schematic Diagram
Credit: U.S. Department of Energy
Parabolic trough system photo
Figure 2: A land-based parabolic trough system.
Credit: U.S. Department of Energy
Power Tower Schematic Diagram
Figure 3: Power Tower Schematic Diagram
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
A land-based power tower system
Figure 4: A land-based power tower system
Source: Warren Gretz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dish/engine System Schematic Diagram
Figure 5: Dish/engine System Schematic Diagram
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
A land-based solar dish-engine system
Figure 6: A land-based solar dish-engine system.
Source: Sandia National Laboratories

Hydrogen Generation Photos

Photo electro chemical (PEC) cell producing hydrogen from water using light energy.click to view larger image
Photo electro chemical (PEC) cell producing hydrogen from water using light energy.
Photo electro chemical (PEC) cell producing hydrogen from water using light energy.click to view larger image
Offshore electrolysis-hydrogen generation unit