U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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First Academic Competitiveness Council Meeting (March 6, 2006)
President Bush, Secretary Mineta, and Secretary Spellings at the first meeting of the Academic Competitiveness Council, which was held at the White House.  Secretary Spellings chairs the Council, established by the Deficit Reduction Act, which President Bush signed into law on February 8.  The Council aims to gauge effectiveness and improve coordindation among federal math and science programs.
President Bush, Secretary Mineta, and Secretary Spellings at the first meeting of the Academic Competitiveness Council, which was held at the White House. Secretary Spellings chairs the Council, established by the Deficit Reduction Act, which President Bush signed into law on February 8. The Council aims to gauge effectiveness and improve coordindation among federal math and science programs.

President Bush, Secretary Mineta, and Secretary Spellings at the first meeting of the Academic Competitiveness Council, which was held at the White House.  Secretary Spellings chairs the Council, established by the Deficit Reduction Act, which President Bush signed into law on February 8.  The Council aims to gauge effectiveness and improve coordindation among federal math and science programs.  

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Last Modified: 03/06/2006