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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Biographies 
Picture of Lewis CassBIOGRAPHY

Lewis Cass
Secretary of State, 
Term of Appointment: 03/06/1857 to 12/14/1860

  • Born in Exeter, New Hampshire, October 9, 1782;
  • Attended Exeter Academy;
  • Went to the Northwest Territory in 1799;
  • Admitted to the bar in 1802 and practiced in Zanesville, Ohio;
  • Married Elizabeth Spencer in 1806;
  • Elected to the Ohio House of Representatives the same year;
  • United States Marshal for the District of Ohio, 1807-1812;
  • Served with distinction in the War of 1812, attaining the rank of brigadier general;
  • Governor of Michigan Territory, 1813-1831;
  • Secretary of War in President Jackson's Cabinet, 1831-1836;
  • Served as Minister to France 1836-1842;
  • Unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1844 and again in 1852;
  • Senator from Michigan 1845-1848;
  • Was the Democratic candidate for the Presidency in 1848;
  • Again a Senator from Michigan, 1849-1857;
  • Secretary of State in President Buchanan's Cabinet March 6, 1857 until December 14, 1860;
  • As Secretary of State, obtained British acceptance of the American construction of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and abandonment by Great Britain of its claim to a right to visit and search American vessels;
  • Returned to his home in Detroit, Michigan, and engaged in literary pursuits;
  • Died in Detroit on June 17, 1866.

Released on July 15, 2003

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