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Drug Free Communities Support ProgramDrug Free Communities Support ProgramOffice of National Drug Control Policy

Following are the Frequently Asked Questions from the FY 2008 Grant Application Workshops.


Q: We have an 18 month-old coalition whose mission has been to reduce underage drinking. Is our coalition eligible in that we would expand to alcohol, marijuana and tobacco?

A: Yes. As long as your coalition is targeting multiple drugs of abuse at the time you submit your application and has as part of its principal mission the reduction of substance abuse among youth.

Q: What if your coalition only has a mission statement or only a vision statement. Do you need both and if so, do you have examples?

A: You are only required to have a mission statement. If you have only a vision statement, this would serve as your mission statement for the purposes of this grant. You need not have both.

Q: Is there a time frame prior to submitting application that the sectors have to be members of coalition?

A: No.

Q: Do you want an MOU from every coalition member/partner outlining involvement or just the ones contributing in-kind?

A: You must submit an MOU from at least one representative from each sector (12).

Q: If a sector has not been involved prior - will you accept a MOU for intended future involvement in the project upon funding as qualification?

A: No. The coalition must have representation from its targeted community and include a minimum of one member/representative from each of the 12 sectors identified under Eligibility Requirements on the DFC website at

Q: Do the sectors that need to be represented have to be board members? Or just involved in some manner?

A: They need to be active members of your coalition. They need not be Board Members.

Q: If a coalition has been working together for over a year but members have not signed formal agreements, is that coalition still competitive?

A: Yes, as long as the MOUs are signed by the time the application is submitted.

Q: How many representatives from each sector do you really want? One of each, or many of each?

A: One per sector is the absolute minimum. You must decide what is the right number per sector for your community.

Q: Can Parent and/or students be involved in a coalition through a committee of the coalition or do they have to be at the main monthly meeting?

A: All required sectors must be involved in the decision making process and structure for the coalition in some way that works for you and your community.

Q: Do legislators qualify as representatives from state agencies for our MOU requirement?

A: Yes.

Q: Can the media person be a school district's PR Director? Can healthcare be a school nurse?

A: Yes, Yes.

Q: How can you find out which ZIP codes/community other coalitions are DFC funded?

A: Send an email to Ken Shapiro at: and he will get the zip codes for other funded coalitions.

Q: How does a coalition demonstrate "cooperation with one another" when there is already a coalition in the community?

A: A Memorandum of Understanding between the two coalitions/organizations is sufficient.

Q: How is "Youth" defined?

A: Youth is an individual 18 or under.

Q: We are a college coalition serving 17 to 24 year olds - But we have many 17 & 18 year olds and concentrate on 1st year students. Can our grant be for underage minors, i.e. 18 to 21 year olds?

A: Yes.

Q: The RFA makes reference to youth. Are we as an agency to define the age bracket for youth or is this detail to be provided by your offices.

A: Since the DFC program is about community change over time, it is up to each applicant to define their community and describe how they will work with them, including defining the target groups and the age bracket of youth you are focusing on. Please keep in mind that one of the two DFC goals is to reduce abuse among youth and, over time among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse.

Q: If you are a rural frontier county and have always worked with neighboring rural frontier county, can you submit a two county proposal? Coalition has worked together for 4 years in drug prevention - members are from both counties in one coalition.

A: Yes.

Q: If you're already applying for another SAMHSA grant, can you apply for this one?

A: Yes

Q: If your community does not currently have perception of risk/harm or disapproval by adults can that be built in as a data gap and year 1 needs assessment?

A: Yes.

Q: Can the community be defined across stateliness as the community sits on the border?

A: Yes

Q: I live in an area that previously received the grant but their coalition focused mainly on outlying areas around the city. Our focus is inner city. Will their receipt of a grant, should they reapply, hinder our coalition's chances of funding? We do currently collaborate on certain concerns.

A: As long as there is evidence of collaboration between two coalitions, one application will not affect the other. If there is no evidence of collaboration, the continuation coalitions always take precedence. If two coalitions are serving the same community, and both are new applicants, and there is no evidence of collaboration, the higher scoring applicant is funded, and the lower scoring applicant is not.

Q: Does the grant cover organizational development for a newly forming coalition?

A: Yes.

Q: How much preference is given to a community that is defined as economically disadvantaged over a suburban area that does not have 20% or more population of children living in a household below the poverty line?

A: This criterion is only used to break ties.

Q: Is the size of a community (geography or population) used as a determining factor for funding?

A: No.

Q: Can we represent 3 counties as the applicant for the coalition grant?

A: Yes.

Q: My agency serves three rural counties and we are members of community coalitions in each of the three counties. Two of the coalitions have joined together to form a consortium and would like to apply as one for this grant opportunity and have my agency serve as the lead entity/fiscal agent. Is it allowable for multiple coalitions to partner for purposes of this grant application?

A: Yes, multiple coalitions may partner for purposes of this grant, but please be aware that they may not break apart in the future to get separate DFC grants, and it will be difficult to effectively answer many of the questions in the RFA, as they are targeted at a single community and a single coalition.

Q: Because our initiative is statewide, do we have to work in collaboration with other Drug Free Communities grantees?

A: Yes, you will have to show collaboration with other Drug Free Community Grantees in the zip code areas you propose to serve. You will find a list of existing DFC grantees on the Drug Free Communities Web site under the Grantee Map:

Q: How do we go about getting a copy of the successful grant application for a current grantee to check for potential geographic overlap? To look for points of collaboration?

A: To check for geographic overlap we recommend you consult the List of Grantees on this website: If you believe there may be a geographic overlap, you should contact the coalition directly to determine if you need to collaborate and how to do so.

Q: If you are a year 6 applicant and don't know that a year 1 applicant is applying to serve the same community, does the onus fall on year 1 to seek collaboration?

A: Because all applicants, whether they are Year 1 or Year 6, must be treated equally, if two organizations apply, overlap, and do not acknowledge each other, the organization that scores higher in peer review gets funded, in this instance.

Q: Realizing that the DFC grant is a community-based grant, is it okay to target a population - in this case Hispanic - within the community?

A: Yes. It is the applicant's responsibility to define and choose the targeted community and to provide the rationale for that choice.

Q: Who can be a fiscal agent?

A: The coalition must be an organization legally eligible to apply for a grant or must make arrangements with an organization that will apply for the grant on behalf of the coalition and serve as the legal and fiscal agent for the grant. That is, a single organization (i.e., the coalition or its fiscal agent) must be the legal applicant, the recipient of the award, and the entity legally responsible for satisfying the grant requirements. Legal/fiscal agents acting on behalf of a coalition may be domestic public or private non-profit entities, such as State, local, or tribal governments; public or private universities and colleges; professional associations; voluntary organizations, self-help groups; consumer and provider services-oriented constituency groups; community and faith-based organizations; and tribal organizations.

Q: Would a university be eligible to apply, and serve as fiscal agent if it partnered with a coalition?

A: Yes

Q: Can a high school district serve as a fiscal agent?

A: Yes

Q: Does acquiring other large grants negatively impact a coalition in the DFC funding process?

A: No. It is not considered in the funding decision.

Q: Can prescription medication abuse & diversion be the focus of the grant?

A: Yes. Remember though that you must focus your efforts on multiple drugs.

Q: Regarding the 150 new grant awards for FY 2008, do the 6th year applicants have any inherent advantage to receive funding over 1st year applicants?

A: No. By law, year 1 and Year 6 applicants must be treated equally in the funding process.

Q: Is a certain amount of the $19 million available for DFC funding in FY 2008 allocated for 6th vs. 1st year funding?

A: No. By law, year 1 and Year 6 applicants must be treated equally in the funding process.

Q: Can we submit more than 2 sets of meeting minutes?

A: Yes you may, but you are not required to do so.

Q: For some drugs, i.e., meth, prescription drugs, etc., there are few evidence-based programs. Can coalitions use best practices and/or innovative strategies provided they evaluate?

A: Yes. DFC does not require you to use evidence-based programs.

Q: Can a fiscal agent apply for a brand new grant when they are applying for a new coalition in a new community? (regardless of whether or not the fiscal agent previously had a grant for a different coalition serving a different community)

A: Former applicants may apply as a fiscal agent for a new DFC coalition. The applicant should submit a letter on agency letterhead and signed by the authorizing official certifying that the agency is applying for the DFC FY 2008 Grant on behalf of a new coalition serving a new community. Please reference the grant number of the prior award, project start and end dates, name of the previous coalition and the community served by that coalition. Include this letter as an attachment to the application. Mark "new" on form SF 424 under the "type of application" and leave the Federal Award Identifier blank (Item 5b).

Q: If you have been a DFC "mentee" coalition but never received DFC funding are you still considered a new applicant?

A: Yes.

Q: If you applied last year and did not receive the grant is this a blemish?

A: No, this would not affect the 2008 review.

Q: If our coalition was a grantee for 5 years but did not receive funds for year 6 are we considered a year 1 applicant now?

A: You are considered a year 6 but designated as "New".

Q: Is an applicant who is applying for year 6 new or continuation? (Funded years 1-5 lapse, now applying 6-10) Do you use previous award # on form?

A: New. Yes, please show your old SAMHSA grant number.

Q: Will a coalition that has been around a long time that has good outcomes be penalized because their problem is "smaller"?

A: No.

Q: As a new group seeking grant, what is our chance to receive a grant if there is already a DFC grantee in our city? (In their 2nd year)

A: As long as you document that you are coordinating with the current grantee, your chances are the same as any other applicant.

Q: If awarded, when will funding period begin?

A: The funding period begins September 30, 2008

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Q: In previous years, what were the cut-off scores?

A: Cut-off scores have ranged from the mid 70's to the low 80's the past several years.

Q: If your application is not funded can you get specific feedback in order to improve the following year?

A: Yes. You will receive comments from the peer reviewers through the SAMHSA Office of Grants Review in September or October of 2008.

Q: Can we hedge our bets by applying for both a mentoring grant as well as a "Regular" DFC grant? If we think our application may not be approved for full DFC grant, will you consider both applications?

A: Award of a Mentoring grant is contingent upon the award of a regular DFC grant. You may apply for both grants, and you will be considered for a mentor award only if you are successful in competing for a regular DFC grant.

Q: Do the majority of grant applications include each question followed by the answer, or just in paragraph form restating the question and answer?

A: The instructions explicitly state that you MUST retype the question or request, and then provide your response immediately following. You must comply with this application requirement.

Q: Can the business official signatory be the same as the program director?

A: Yes

Q: On page 25 of the application what or whom the "Highest Degree Earned" is referring to?

A: You may leave blank

Q: Is an incorporated non for profit with a DUNS # eligible to be the grantee if the incorporation doesn't have a 5O1C3 yet/estimated to have in June? 501(c)(3) - IRS Tax Exempt HR - What date is considered currently valid?

A: Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements listed in the RFA and provide proof of incorporation as requested in the 5161-1.

Q: If you host a training for prevention professionals with DFC dollars, can you make money on the training?

A: Yes, this would be program income that must then be used for this project.

Q: Which title does the title go under on page 2 of SF 424?

A: Use Drug Free Communities Support Program.

Q: How do you define key personnel?

A: The Project Coordinator and Project Director and anyone paid through the grant to carry out the goals and objectives of your application are considered key personnel.

Q: If a coalition using a fiscal agent does that fiscal agent become the primary applicant for the grant?

A: Yes, however, the coalition may apply if they are a legally incorporated entity.

Q: On the SF-424 - 5a Federal Entity Identifier, What is this?


Q: Does every page in the application need to be numbered.

A: Please number pages consecutively from beginning to end so that information can be located easily during review of the application.

Q: Can you contract with another agency (Govt) to handle payroll, financial administration?

A: Yes, as long as the government agency is not a Federal agency.

Q: True or False - Title I funds used in school can not be used as a match salary/program/materials of a best-practice curriculum.

A: True

Q: How often do you need to reapply once you have a grant?

A: If awarded you will need to submit a non-competing application for each of the remaining four years of the award.

Q: Is frontier considered if more remote than rural as a demographic?

A: Frontier is not one of the identified geographic classifications. See RFA for definitions of geographic classifications.

Q: What benefit does CADCA membership have in this grant program?

A: The applicant's membership in CADCA or any other organization is not considered in the funding process.

Q: Does the one inch margin requirement apply to logic model pages?

A: Yes

Q: Why are applicants required to re-write the questions in the Project Narrative if there is a 25 page limit and applicants may need the space?

A: This is required to assist the review process. The requirement is the same for all applicants.

Q: Can responses be bulleted?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you expect greater results from older coalitions?

A: Each application is judged based on the responses to the questions in the RFA. The number of prior years of funding is not considered by the reviewers.

Q: How many training days are Year 1 applicants required to budget for?

A: 10 training days total (spread out over the 3 required trainings outlined in the RFA).

Q: Are Year 6 applicants required to budget for 10 training day?

A: No. Year 6 applicants are only required to budget for 3 training days. However, they may budget for more training days if they so choose.

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Q: As a part of the 5 year plan, if the community wasn't as involved as we would like, is it okay to put this as part of 1st year plan to do specific work on engaging community in planning process thus being more culturally appropriate in developing the plan?

A: Yes.

Q: Does it help to include a chart for GPRA data?

A: This is your decision.

Q: Should a separate logic model be submitted for each substance being targeted?

A: This is your decision.

Q: May we use the strategies already developed by coalition or must we describe a new process?

A: This is your decision.

Q: Is the "Landscape" page layout for the Logic Model ok to use?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it okay to use tables or charts in the narrative sections that illustrate data?

A: Yes. As long as you comply with the page and font requirements. You may use 10.5 font for charts and tables. Remember that they will count toward your 25 page limit.

Q: Do we need to build on the strategies that we used in the first 5 years of funding or can we look at new strategies for the new 5 years of funding?

A: There is no requirement on this. It depends on the goals and objectives your coalition plans to work on - whether they can be best achieved by building on existing strategies or if new strategies are needed or a combination of both. The main point is that there should be a logical and evidence-based connection between your goals/objectives and the strategies you choose to reach them. This is your decision.

Q: Can we administer a survey to other groups such as youth groups rather than the school system in order to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant?

A: Yes, as long as the survey results provide a statistically representative indication of the measures in the youth population in your community.

Q: Is there a particular survey you would like us to use to measure the "4 measures"?

A: No. DFC does not require that you use any specific survey.

Q: Do we have to conduct our own, or can we use surveys provided to us by Alcohol - Drug Addiction Services? (Our local county ADAS conducts surveys biennially)

A: You do not need to use your own survey. You can rely on data gathered by others- through any instrument that proves valid and reliable.

Q: Must you have an external evaluator?

A: No

Q: Does the DFC announcement actually stipulate a budget amount or percentage that must be spent on evaluation?

A: No, but the cost must be reasonable and the market value for the services.

Q: What is an acceptable percentage of the budget for program evaluation?

A: SAMHSA normally views up to 20% of the budget as reasonable for this activity.

Q: If your community does not currently have perception of risk/harm or disapproval by adults can that built in as a data gap and year 1 needs assessment?

A: Yes.

Q: If there is more than one school in the community, do we specify the total number of students in both schools?

A: Yes

Q: Section 1 - Implementation - on page 22 it lists 5 bullet points. Do you want us to respond to these points in the "one year action plan" TABLE, or the NARRATIVE, or BOTH? If in the table where should we address the 2 points in the 3rd bullet?

A: Your answer should address all the points. It is your decision regarding how you want to present the information. Inclusion of a table like the sample provided is not required. A Logic Model IS REQUIRED though as a part of Section D.

Q: Please clearly define Strategic Plan and Action Plan. How are they similar and how are they different?

A: The Strategic Plan referred to in Section C is your 5-year plan. The Action Plan asked for in Section D is your detailed proposed plan for the first year of this grant.

Q: So…we need to have a logic model, a 1-year action plan, and a 5-year strategic plan?

A: Yes

Q: Please clarify whether the logic model is for year one, or all five years?

A: The Logic Model should "look" beyond a single year to your desired long-term outcomes.

Q: Is the logic model scored during peer review?

A: No. It is designed to assist you in effectively responding to the scored components of sections C and D.

Q: Given required performance measures for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, should there be multiple logic models, i.e., one for each substance focused on?

A: This is your decision. Please remember, though, that the logic model counts against your page limit.


Q: We have now received our 501 C3 status. How will that change our 2008 application, or will it?

A: You may still use a fiscal agent or you may apply as your own fiscal agent.

Q: Our coalition is in the process of applying for tax-exempt status with the IRS but we don't anticipate having that completed until after March 21st. However; it will be in place by the start of the grant period, how should we proceed?

A: A private, non-profit organization must include evidence of its non-profit status at the time of application (see page 2 of the Checklist in the PHS-5161-1)

Q: If, when you first apply for a DFC grant, you have a fiscal agent, then later in the grant cycle, your coalition becomes a legal entity, such as a 501 C3 NFP, how does that work?

A: The fiscal agency must relinquish the grant, then the coalition must request a "change of grantee institution" which requires approval and proof of the non-profit status.

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Q: Can I include training in my travel line item?

A: Yes

Q: Can the budget pay for peer educators?

A: Yes

Q: Can budget pay stipends for coalition members?

A: Incentive may be paid to coalition members up to $20

Q: Can I budget food or refreshments for coalition meetings?

A: No

Q: Is there a cap on % of budget used for evaluation/research?

A: Not for evaluation. However, this grant does not pay for research

Q: Is there an administrative cap on how budget can be used for salaries?

A: No

Q: We plan to contract with a state university to provide evaluation for us. What would be a reasonable % of the budget for this contract?

A: There is no specific limitation.

Q: Can a coalition member with special expertise be contracted for service - i.e. epidemiologist or evaluator?

A: Yes

Q: In a partnership can the coalition contract with the fiscal agent for services (evaluation and research)?

A: You may not use DFC funds for research, but the fiscal agent may contract with the coalition

Q: Can pro-rated savings for office space, utilities, etc. be used towards the match requirement?

A: Yes

Q: Can space be used as "match?" For example, the "rent equivalent" of the space provided for grant personnel? How about telephone service?

A: Yes to all

Q: In regards to the in-kind match, how are staff's salaries handled? Are they part of in-kind match and how is this documented?

A: Yes, as long as the costs are consistent with those paid for similar work in the organization or the market rate. Document costs according to the sample match budget.

Q: If budget includes a match/in-kind cost & something happens and we can't get it donated - can it be purchased and budget amended?

A: No, the applicant must find another source of non-federal match funds

Q: What about parent & youth volunteers who are part of coalition? What is their time worth for the match?

A: The value of their time is calculated consistent with rate paid for similar work in the organization or the market rate.

Q: Is a church's rent, mortgage, gas, lights, insurance and maintenance part of the dollar for dollar match & how would you estimate the percentage?

A: A mortgage payment is unallowable; however, FTEs, square footage, etc. may be charged according to the costs incurred by the organization during the 12 month budget period.

Q: Is there a ratio for cash match and in-kind (i.e. - $75,000 cash, $50,000 in-kind)?

A: No

Q: Are National Tobacco settlement dollars channeled through state agencies and/or local health departments eligible for use as matching funds?

A: Yes

Q: If some of our coalition members are paid by their employers with federal grants (example, Safe & Drug-Free Schools) can we still count their contribution with the coalition as in-kind match?

A: No

Q: Does the indirect cost proposal need to be approved before submission date of March 21st and can you explain the provisional rate?

A: No, but if you plan to negotiate with a Federal cognizant agency as it is explained in the application, then SAMHSA may provide your organization with a provisional indirect cost rate of up to 10% for salaries and wages only. Your organization must begin the negotiation process within 90 days from the start date of the project in order to use the provisional indirect costs.

Q: Do you allow institutions to take indirect costs? If so, what is your %?

A: SAMHSA allows the grantee organization the use of indirect costs if you have a current indirect cost rate agreement negotiated with a federal cognizant agency. Indirect costs may be direct charged if the applicant does not have a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement.

Q: If you get a negotiated indirect rate, can that all be put under MATCH?

A: No, unless the organization has another source funding to pay for it other than federal funds.

Q: Will we need a federal negotiated rate of administration before applying?

A: No

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Q: Will we need a DUNS#?

A: Yes

Q: If we use federal dollars to buy a blackberry, cell phone, laptop, etc., do we have to return these items if we don't receive funding for year 2 or year 6?

A: No