FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          AG
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1995                          (202) 514-2008
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


   Program Could Be Imperiled By Upcoming Congressional Votes 

     ALEXANDRIA, VA -- Attorney General Janet Reno today
announced a new national initiative to provide funding for
innovative community policing efforts aimed at reducing incidents
of domestic violence.  The announcement of the $10 million
Community Policing to Combat Domestic Violence Program followed a
meeting with city officials, police and victims advocates in
Alexandria, Virginia.  

     But this and other community policing initiatives could be
jeopardized if Congress makes good on its threat to eliminate the
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office as it decides
this month on whether to provide the funds it promised in last
year's crime bill.  Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee with jurisdiction over the Justice Department voted
to eliminate funding for the COPS program.

     "The decision yesterday to cut this program was a terrible
mistake," Reno said.  "The families of America, the communities
of America deserve more help in fighting domestic violence.  This
is not the time to turn our backs on the needs of local police
and the victims of crime."

     Under the Community Policing to Combat Domestic Violence
Program, the Justice Department's COPS Office will distribute up
to $10 million to local law enforcement agencies to develop and
strengthen innovative community oriented policing programs
addressing domestic violence.  

     "The initiative we have started today is a new, historic
step in the battle to combat domestic violence," Reno said.  "For
the first time in history, the federal government will work with 
local police departments to develop innovative programs to combat
spousal and family abuse.  It would be a terrible mistake to pull
the rug out just as this initiative is getting its legs."
     Joining the Attorney General at the meeting and the
announcement Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) a leading supporter of
the Violence Against Women Act, which passed as part of President
Clinton's Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. 
The meeting was hosted by City of Alexandria Mayor Patsy Ticer. 
     Reno stressed that the Community Policing to Combat Domestic
Violence Program will rely on the innovative ideas of local law
enforcement and advocacy groups.  "We don't claim to have all the
answers, but by working with local law enforcement and victims
advocates, we hope to help find the solutions to this terrible
problem," Reno stated.

     The Justice Department also distributes Violence Against
Women grants to the states to assist in training prosecutors,
police and prevention programs and service providers who handle
cases of sexual abuse and domestic violence.  All fifty states
have been approved for grants totalling $26 million in the
current fiscal year.

     The Justice Department also announced today that 14 awards
ranging from $53,000 to $75,000 have been awarded to Indian
tribal governments in 9 states to improve law enforcement,
prosecution and victim services for Indian women.  The grants are
particularly important because many reservations lack any
services for women who are victims of domestic violence or sexual
assault.  Victims themselves may live miles from a shelter or
safe house, and may not even have access to a telephone.  Often
victims must return home to their abuser because there is no
alternative housing available.    

     When the Crime Act passed last year, Congress committed to
spend more than $1.6 billion over the next six years for grants
to combat domestic violence and sexual assaults, yet this year,
the House of Representatives has already proposed to cut $50
million from the program.  The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
voted yesterday to eliminate $25 million more.

     Attorney General Reno called on Congress to fulfil the
commitment made last year.  "These cuts will mean fewer police
and fewer prosecutors to fight domestic violence, rape and sexual
assaults.  Now, more than ever, we need to keep our promises and
continue to combine national resources with local know how."

