Contact Your Government by Topic  | On This Page | |  |
Consumer Products & Safety
Fraud, Law Enforcement & Crime
- Antitrust Violations – E-mail, call or mail a report of a possible antitrust violation or potential anti-competitive activity, whether civil or criminal, to the Department of Justice.
- Arson, Bombs, Firearms, Tobacco or Other Related Criminal Activities – Call to report arson, bomb, firearms or tobacco related criminal activity.
- Asset Forfeiture – E-mail a question or comment about asset forfeiture and auctions.
- Community Oriented Policing – E-mail or call for information on grants and training programs.
- Consumer Fraud – E-mail complaints to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Crime Victims – E-mail or call for crime victims' support and assistance.
- Domestic Violence Hotline – E-mail or call for crisis intervention, information about domestic violence and referrals to local service providers to victims of domestic violence and those calling on their behalf. Services are available in English and Spanish.
- Fraud and Waste in Government – E-mail, call, fax or mail reports of government fraud and waste to the Federal Inspectors General.
- Homeland Security Advisory System – E-mail your comments on the new Homeland Security Advisory System to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
- Homeland Security Department – E-mail your questions and comments to the new department.
- Homeland Security State Contact List – View the map and find contact information for your state's homeland security contact appointed by your governor.
- Identity Theft – E-mail your complaint.
- Immigration and Naturalization – Call for information about immigration and naturalization assistance provided in English and Spanish.
- Immigration and Naturalization Local Offices – Call, write or visit a local office to find the status of your case.
- Internet Fraud (Civil or Criminal) – E-mail reports of suspected fraud to the FBI's Internet Fraud Complaint Center.
- Medicaid Fraud
- Nuclear Facilities – E-mail or call to report any safety or security concern involving a nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel facility or radioactive materials.
- Religious Discrimination – Where to file complaints for religious discrimination and violation of religious liberty rights, by category.
- Tax Violations – Report federal tax violators to the IRS' Whistleblower Office and possibly earn a reward.
- Terrorist Activity – E-mail leads to the FBI online or call your local FBI Field Office.
- Victim's Rights, Services and Criminal & Juvenile Justice – Call for information and referrals.
- Violence Against Women and Family Violence – E-mail your questions about laws, regulations, grants and other resources.
Government Officials
- Contact Your U.S. Representative
- Contact Your U.S. Senator
- Federal Advisory Committees – Access the database used by federal agencies to continuously manage an average of 1,000 advisory committees government-wide.
- Federal Government – Telephone directories.
- Foreign Policy Comments – E-mail your comments on U.S. foreign policy to the U.S. Department of State.
- Freedom of Information Act – Contacts for federal agencies.
- Governor – Find e-mail, telephone and postal contact information by clicking on your state governor's website.
- House Committee Offices
- Inspector General – E-mail, telephone, fax and mail contact information to report federal government waste and fraud.
- President and Vice President – Send comments to President Bush or Vice President Cheney.
- Presidential Appointees
- Rulemaking – Participate in the federal rulemaking process by commenting on proposed rules.
- Secretary of State and U.S. Department of State – E-mail, write or call with your question for the Department of State or comment on U.S. foreign policy.
- Senate Committee Offices
- State and Territorial Contact Directory – Address, phone, web home page, how to e-mail, Governor...
- State Legislators – Search for state legislators and topical legislative information, by U.S. states and territories.
- Supreme Court – Call or write the Supreme Court.
Home, Community & Work
- Accessibility – E-mail, mail or call with complaints concerning access to facilities for people with disabilities.
- Affordable Housing – E-mail a question to Ginnie Mae about affordable housing.
- Census – E-mail the Census Bureau questions and comments about the Census.
- Discriminatory Mortgage Lending – File an official complaint, if you feel that you have been discriminated against based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status or disability.
- Emergency E-mail Notification – Sign up to receive emergency e-mail notification of natural disasters, or other emergencies in your area, from local, regional and national government sources.
- Employment and Training – Find state contacts for unemployment, welfare-to-work, adult and Native American training programs, and more.
- Employment Discrimination – Call about employment discrimination.
- Energy-Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies – E-mail, call, fax or mail your questions to the Department of Energy.
- Environmental Programs – E-mail a question or comment to the Environmental Protection Agency.
- Environmental Violations – Report Online – E-mail a report of possible environmental violation to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Housing Counselors – Federally-approved housing counseling agencies in your state.
- Housing Discrimination – E-mail, call or mail complaints about housing discrimination when renting or buying a home.
- Hurricane Telephone Hotlines – Hurricane survivors can call government telephone hotlines for assistance, health and safety information and to learn how to volunteer.
- Land Sale Complaints – If you believe you have been a victim of fraud and abuse when buying or leasing land from developers, you can file a complaint by writing to HUD.
- Librarians – Chat with or e-mail a government librarian
- Mine Emergency Numbers
- Mine Safety
- Radon – Call the hotline to learn about radon and indoor air quality in your home.
- Runaway Youth National Switchboard to Call for Help – Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you are a teenager thinking of running from home, if you have a friend who has run and is looking for help, or if you are a runaway ready to go home.
- USA Freedom Corps – E-mail a question or comment.
- Veterans Employment and Training – Key contacts for grants and employment and training assistance for veterans.
- Worker Issues – E-mail or mail the Department of Labor.
- Workplace Safety – E-mail a complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
- Workplace Safety for the Federal Workplace – E-mail or call for program information to improve the health and safety of the government workforce.
Military & Veterans
- Air Force Contacts
- Air Force Recruiting
- American Battle Monuments Commission – Order flowers for a grave or memorial site in an American Battle Monument or cemetery.
- Army Family Assistance Hotline – The U.S. Army toll-free Family Assistance Hotline provides referrals and information to the families of soldiers deployed or activated in Operation Iraqi Freedom at (800) 833-6622.
- Army Personnel Locator – Write to the U.S. Army to locate active duty personnel.
- Army Recruiting – Find an Army recruiter near you
- Department of Defense – E-mail, call or mail questions and requests for information.
- Department of Veterans Affairs – E-mail, call, fax or mail questions, comments or complaints.
- Find Military Personnel – Find ways to locate persons of unknown whereabouts.
- Marines – Information for locating active duty Marines.
- Marines Contacts – E-mail your question to the Marine Corps.
- Marines Recruiting
- Navy contacts
- Navy Personnel Locator – Write to the U.S. Navy to locate active duty personnel.
- Navy Recruiting – Navy recruiting website
- Troops – E-mail greetings to overseas troops.
- Troops – E-mail your thanks during National Military Appreciation Month.
- Veterans Employment and Training – Key contacts for grants and employment and training assistance for veterans.
- Veterans Issues – E-mail inquiries about medical and other benefits, cemeteries, agent orange and Persian Gulf illness.
- World War II Memorial – The World War II Memorial, completed in 2004 in Washington, DC, honors the 16 million who served and the more than 400,000 who died.
Money & Business
- Antitrust and Competition – E-mail, call or mail the Federal Trade Commission with a question or comment on an antitrust matter.
- Antitrust Violations – E-mail, call or mail a report of a possible antitrust violation or potential anti-competitive activity, whether civil or criminal, to the Department of Justice.
- Bank Complaints – File a complaint about a bank or other financial institution
- Bankruptcy Fraud – Report suspected bankruptcy fraud to the U.S. Trustee Program of the Department of Justice.
- Banks – Mail consumer complaints about banks to the Federal Reserve Board.
- Business and Electronic Commerce Practices – E-mail complaints (stores, finance companies, auto dealers, mortgage companies, credit bureaus, spam e-mail, etc.) to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Charities – E-mail complaints to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Credit Unions – E-mail or call with questions or comments, or report fraud to the National Credit Union Administration.
- Deposit Insurance – E-mail for assistance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission.
- Economic and Humanitarian Assistance Activities Overseas – E-mail, call or write comments or questions to the U.S. Agency for International Development.
- Export Assistance – E-mail, call, fax or mail the Department of Commerce.
- Export Control or Boycott Related Violation – E-mail a lead or a tip to the Bureau of Industry and Security.
- Government Spending – What would you like to know about government spending? Comment on the wiki for
- Investors – E-mail, fax or mail concerns and problems of individual investors to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
- IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Reform – E-mail an idea, issue or suggestion to the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.
- IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service – The Taxpayer Advocate Service helps individuals and small businesses resolve problems with the IRS
- Patents and Trademarks – E-mail, call or mail questions about patents and trademarks.
- Securities and Exchange Commission – Customers of Lehman Brothers Inc. may contact the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy for individual assistance at
- Statistics – Contacts to assist with locating and using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, publications and services.
- Tax Help – E-mail or call with comments and feedback.
- Tax Refund Status – Check your federal tax refund status online.
- Tax Violations – Report federal tax violators to the IRS' Whistleblower Office and possibly earn a reward.
- Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Application – Volunteer for this unique opportunity to influence how the IRS delivers services to the public by becoming a member of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP).
- Trade Barriers – Call to receive assistance in resolving problems.
- Workplace Safety – E-mail a complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).