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Source Countries and
Drug Transit Zones: Peru

Quick Facts

The Government of Peru exceeded its programmed coca eradication goal of 10,000 hectares by eliminating 11,057 hectares in 2007. Voluntary eradication eliminated an additional 1,016 hectares of coca. Source

Peru had been the largest producer of cocaine until coordinated interdiction and eradication operations reduced its position to a distant second to Colombia. President Alan Garcia has clearly demonstrated his commitment to counternarcotics cooperation. For the third year in a row, Peru exceeded its 10,000 hectare eradication goal. Another major achievement of the Peruvian Government was the formulation of a new 5-year drug strategy, an integral component of which is the Government's ability to deploy more police into coca-growing regions, where cocaleros have been violently resisting eradication. Peru has also enacted a major judicial reform package that increases law enforcement authorities in several critical areas, including in the seizure and forfeiture of illicitly gained assets.

As an integral part of the of Peru's counternarcotics strategy, effective interdiction is dependent on the Government of Peru's ability to put a sufficient number of trained police personnel into the coca-growing regions. The Government will continue to strengthen counternarcotics police presence east of the Andes by training 3,200 new police cadets by early 2009, thereby helping improve security and stem drug flows at air and seaports. Basic and specialized courses will continue at the three PNP Basic Training Academies and a new canine training site will be constructed at two additional locations. Specialized US-based training, i.e. pilot, aircrew and maintenance training, will also be necessary to enhance the capacity of the PNP and further the nationalization of the aviation support program.

United States counternarcotics efforts also require the continuation of the Alternative Development Program, which directly supports the interdiction and eradication programs by providing options to coca cultivation and discouraging replanting, and sustaining eradication gains. The United States will work with NGOs, universities and the media to sustain an anti-drug and education campaign and to expand presence and influence in coca-growing regions. Continued strong political will and the commitment of counternarcotics resources by the Government of Peru are fundamental to their success.

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