Abbreviations and Acronyms Commonly used federal acronyms Calendars, Important Dates, and Time Calendars, holidays, and important dates from different government agencies. Contact Your Government Contact information for federal, state, and local government officials and agencies. Data and Statistics Child and family statistics, crime and justice statistics, economic indicators, searchable databases... Forms Search government forms and applications by number, agency, or keyword. Freedom of Information, Privacy Act, and Web Inventories Resources and information related to the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and Web Content Inventories as required the E-Government Act. Historical Documents Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights, Constitution of the United States, Declaration of Independence... | Laws and Regulations Business laws, code of federal regulations, database search of laws and regulations... Libraries Local, federal, and national libraries; online library databases; grants and benefits for libraries... Maps Local, national, world, and specialized maps from multiple government agencies... News Federal press releases, news, foreign news service, government e-mail newsletters... Photos, Graphics, and Multimedia from the U.S. Government Collection of government graphics, photos, and images; most may be used without permission or fee. Publications from the U.S. Government Consumer publications, educational resources, federal agency publications, Government Printing Office... Topic-Specific Research Cross-agency portals, federal advisory committees, federal research and development project summaries... |