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Guide to Unsolicited Proposals

Section 3: Processing the Unsolicited Proposal

    A.  Point of Contact

The point of contact for Unsolicited Proposals is the Chief Scientist or the Director, Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center. Telephone contact should be made at (202) 395-6745 before submitting an Unsolicited Proposal. Submit the Unsolicited Proposal to the ONDCP, Chief Scientist or Director, Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center, Washington, D.C. 20503.

    B.  Initial Review

Before initiating a comprehensive evaluation, the Chief Scientist will determine if the proposal:

  1. Meets the requirements of 15.603
  2. Is suitable for submission in response to an existing agency requirement
  3. Is related to ODNCP's mission
  4. Contains sufficient technical information and cost-related or price-related information for evaluation
  5. Has overall scientific, technical, or socioeconomic merit
  6. Has been approved by a responsible official or other representative authorized to bind the offeror to a contract
  7. Complies with all the restrictive legend requirements of FAR 15.609

    C.  Initial Reply

If the proposal meets the requirements of the initial review, the point of contact will promptly acknowledge receipt and begin the comprehensive evaluation process.

A proposal which does not meet the initial review requirements will be rejected. The point of contact will promptly send written notice to the offeror informing the reasons for rejection and of the proposed disposition of the Unsolicited Proposal. If the reason for the rejection is number 1, 4, 6, or 7, the offeror may resubmit for reevaluation a proposal that addresses those criteria.

The point of contact may inform the offeror orally or by other convenient means of the reasons for rejection or to correct administrative deficiencies. Contact by telephone does not replace the need for a subsequent writing.

    D.  Comprehensive Evaluation Process

  1. The point of contact will coordinate the comprehensive evaluation by
    1. Attaching to each Unsolicited Proposal the legend required by FAR 15.609
    2. Assemble the appropriate team of evaluators
  2. Evaluators will consider the following
    1. Unique an innovative and meritorious methods, approaches, or concepts demonstrated by the proposal
    2. Overall scientific, technical, or socioeconomic merits of the proposal
    3. Potential contribution of the efforts to the agency's specific mission
    4. Offeror's capabilities related experience, facilities, techniques or unique combination of these that are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives
    5. Qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed principal investigator, team leader, or key personnel critical to achieving the proposal objectives
    6. Realism of the proposed cost
  3. Evaluator will notify the agency point of contact of their recommendation when the evaluation is complete.

    E.  Criteria for Acceptance and Negotiation

A favorable comprehensive evaluation of an unsolicited proposal does not justify awarding a contract without first providing for full and open competition. The agency point of contact shall return an unsolicited proposal to the offeror citing reasons when the substance of the proposal

  1. Is available to the Government without restriction from another source
  2. Closely resembles a pending competitive acquisition requirement
  3. Does not relate to the activity's mission
  4. Does not demonstrate an innovative and unique method, approach, or concept, or is otherwise not deemed a meritorious proposal.
  5. The contracting officer may commence negotiations on a sole source basis only when
    1. An unsolicited proposal has received a favorable comprehensive review
    2. A proper justification and approval has been obtained
    3. The agency technical office sponsoring the contract furnishes the necessary funds
    4. The contracting officer has complied with the appropriate synopsis requirements

    F.  Prohibitions

Government personnel and non-government evaluators shall not use any data, concept, idea, or other part of an unsolicited proposal as the basis, or part of the basis, for a solicitation or in negotiation with any other firm unless the offeror is notified of and agrees to the intended use. This prohibition does not preclude using any data, concept, or idea in the proposal that also is available from another source without restriction.

Government personnel and non-government evaluators shall not disclose restrictively marked information included in an unsolicited proposal. The disclosure of such information concerning trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, apparatus, and other matters, except as authorized by law, may result in criminal penalties under the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. 1905.

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The Office of National Drug Control Policy publishes these guidelines in accordance with the Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies (Government-wide guidelines) published in interim final form by OMB in the Federal Register in Volume 66, No. 189 at 49718 on Friday, September 28, 2001, and in final form in Volume 2, No. 67 at 8452 on February 22, 2002.

Guide to Unsolicited Proposals

ONDCP strongly encourages potential offerors to participate in the preliminary process before expending time or money preparing an Unsolicited Proposal.

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