Active Military Personnel Benefits and pay, health care, family support, travel, training... Veterans Memorials, benefits, health care, career assistance, cemeteries... Reservists and National Guard Mobilization, family readiness, education, income, healthcare... Prospective Military and ROTC Recruitment, military academies, ROTC... Family Support Commissaries, family services, spouse support, students... Military Families Emotional support, relocation information, child care, personal finances... Transition Assistance Military separation, retirement, work, volunteer, education... Military Personnel Records and Statistics Military statistics, record requests, missing service members, veterans address changes... Current Military Operations Support for U.S. troops, defense news, contacting overseas troops, Iraq news, Base Realignment and Closure news... Military News, Reference, and Portals Military news, Defense Almanac, deployment resources, military history, installation locator, regulations, publications and forms, DefenseLink... Military Organizations U.S. Department of Defense, intelligence community agencies, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans' organizations... |