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ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter Masthead
June 2001
Editor, Gene Baker

Arson & Explosives Programs Division (AEPD)
   Division Chief - Guy K. Hummel
   Deputy Division Chief - Phil Horbert

Public Safety Branch (PSB)
   Branch Chief - Gail Hosey Davis

Arson & Explosives National Repository
Branch (AENRB)

   Branch Chief - William Spruce

Canine Operations Branch (COB)
   Branch Chief - Rhonda Trahern

Explosives Technology Branch (ETB)
   Branch Chief - Mark Murray

Violent Offender Branch (VOB)
   Branch Chief - Phil Durham

A Message from the Chief, Arson & Explosives Programs Division

  The purpose of the Federal Explosives Law "is to protect interstate and foreign commerce against interference and interruption by reducing the hazard to persons and property arising from misuse and unsafe or insecure storage of explosive materials."

  Having been entrusted to administer the Federal explosives laws (Title 18 USC Section 846), ATF understands the importance of partnering with the explosives industry and public safety agencies to meet that obligation. For successful partnerships to flourish, an essential ingredient is consistent two-way communication of information. This quarterly industry newsletter is one of the tools ATF has developed to deliver timely information to ATF-licensed explosives manufacturers, dealers, and importers, as well as permittees, industry professionals, and military/civilian bomb technicians. We hope that each of our readers feels free to contact ATF on any explosive issue.

International Explosives Assistance

International Group Meets to Discuss Explosives Protocols

  AEPD personnel traveled to Vienna, Austria, in March to meet with an international group of explosives experts convened by the United Nations. The group, consisting of experts from France, South Africa, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Iran, India, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, and the Czech Republic, met to discuss whether there is a need for uniform international explosives protocols to combat transnational explosives trafficking and misuse. The group agreed to distribute a survey to UN member nations to identify any need for such a protocol. AEPD Chief Hummel attended this UN meeting with Arson and Explosives National Repository Branch (AENRB) Chief Bill Spruce, who is the U. S. explosives expert representative.

ATF Responds to Foreign Requests for Assistance

  During the first quarter of 2001, special agent certified explosives specialists (SACES), explosives enforcement officers (EEOs), forensic chemists, and special agent certified fire investigators (SACFI) assisted the governments of Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, The Federated State of Micronesia, and the United Kingdom on explosives-related issues.

Details of Enschede Fireworks Disaster Now on the Internet

The May 2000 explosion at the SE Fireworks premises in Enschede, the Netherlands, was one of the worst disasters in the fireworks (cont.)


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