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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2006 - Statistical Tables

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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2006 - Statistical Tables

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Appendix table 1. Agencies conducting firearm background checks, December 31, 2006

Names or description of checking agencies
Purchase check or permit
Exempt carry permita
United States Federal Bureau of Investigation ---
Alabama --- ---
Alaska --- ---
Arizona --- Department of Public Safety
Arkansas --- State Police
California Department of Justice Firearms Division ---
Colorado Bureau of Investigation Insta-Check Unit ---
Connecticut State Police Special Licensing & Firearms ---
Delaware State Police Bureau of Identification Three county superior courts
Georgia --- 159 county probate courts
Florida Department of Law Enforcement ---
Hawaii Four police departments ---
Idaho --- 44 county sheriffs
Illinois State Police FOID and FTIP units ---
Indiana --- ---
Iowa Dept. of Public Safety/99 county sheriffs Dept. of Public Safety/99 county sheriffs
Kansas --- ---
Kentucky --- State Police
Louisiana --- ---
Maine --- ---
Maryland State Police Firearms Enforcement Division ---
Massachusetts 351 police departments 351 police departments
Michigan 595 sheriffs and police departments County licensing boards
Minnesota 568 sheriffs and police departments 87 county sheriffs
Mississippi --- Department of Public Safety
Missouri 115 sheriffs and police departments ---
Montana --- 56 county sheriffs
Nebraska 95 sheriffs and police departments ---
Nevada Highway Patrol 17 county sheriffs
New Hampshire   Department of Safety ---
New Jersey State Police/505 local police departments ---
New Mexico --- ---
New York 58 county sheriffs; some police departments --b
North Carolina 100 county sheriffs 100 county sheriffs
North Dakota --- Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Ohio --- ---
Oklahoma --- ---
Oregon State Police Firearms Unit ---
Pennsylvania State Police Firearms Division ---
Rhode Island 39 police departments ---
South Carolina --- Law Enforcement Division
South Dakota --- ---
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Instant Check ---
Texas --- Department of Public Safety
Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification Bureau of Criminal Identification
Vermont --- ---
Virginia State Police Firearm Transaction Program ---
Washington 291 sheriffs and police departments ---
West Virginia --- ---
Wisconsin Department of Justice Handgun Hotline ---
Wyoming --- Wyoming Attorney General
---FBI conducts purchase checks or jurisdiction has no exempt permits.
aAgencies issue carry permits that may be used to waive a purchase check.
bLicense required for purchase may also allow carrying.

See also Methodology.

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