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Survey: Smart Growth Listening Session On-Line

Make a Difference in Maryland for Future Generations

You can help chart the future of growth in Maryland’s communities. The Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) and the Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development in Maryland invite you to participate in a survey informing their work on recommendations and strategies for sustainable growth in the State.

Visit Listening Session Portal

MDP PlanCast Multimedia Site is Here!

MDP has launched its newest web service for citizens to learn about the programs of the agency and about growth issues facing the State. Called “MDP PlanCast,” this site includes audio and video recordings of interviews. MDP PlanCast features the department’s new 15-minute public affairs radio program, "Smart Planning," which airs Saturday mornings on Baltimore's WCAO-AM (Heaven 600). The show presents interviews with the agency’s staff highlighting its programs and products.

Click here to visit MDP PlanCast!

MDP’s FINDER Parcel Map Program Receives Write-up in The Maryland Surveyor Magazine

Mr. Gary Ganjon, a professional land surveyor in Carroll County, published an article describing the way he uses MDP’s FINDER in his practice. The article, entitled “SOFTWARE REVIEW: MdProperty Map FINDER Software,” was printed in the “The Maryland Surveyor,” the journal of the Maryland Society of Surveyors.

Mr. Ganjon writes, “FINDER is a very powerful tool to retrieve tax map and parcel data without learning the intricacies of [complicated GIS software]. The ability to add some of your own data sets can turn FINDER into a great tool for evaluating possible project sites and to track your own work. The half day of free training is well worth the time. I recommend this tool for your review.”

Click here to read the full article

Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development

The next meeting of the Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development in Maryland will be held on Wednesday, November 12, 2008. Please visit the Task Force portal for upcoming meeting dates and information from past meetings.

The Task Force was formed under House Bill 773 and was signed into law in 2007. The 21-member Task Force is charged with studying a wide range of smart growth and land use issues effecting Maryland. A final report is due by December 1, 2008. Meetings of the Task Force will be held monthly, Click here to visit the Portal Page

25th Anniversary meeting of the Maryland Planning Commissioners Association/a>

The 25th Anniversary meeting of the Maryland Planning Commissioners Association (formerly MCPA) will be held October 30 and 31 at the Hilton Garden Inn on Kent Island. A Thursday evening dinner gathering at Fisherman’s Inn will honor past MPCA president and veteran Thomas Beyard, MPCA staff Nancy Ancel and Weldon Freeman, and former state planning director Connie Lieder. The Friday program will be a full day of sustainable planning sessions, training for planning commissioners and an update on state planning initiatives.

Registration Form and Program

Register Online!

A special MPCA room rate of $119 is available at the Hilton Garden Inn . This is available for Thursday night only.

Dinner on Thursday will be at the Fisherman's Inn, right next to the hotel.

Maryland Historical Trust Provides 53 Grants to Assist Museums and Historic Preservation Organizations
Museums, non-profit groups and local governments around Maryland have received 53 grants totaling over $2 million through three Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) financial assistance programs. The MHT Grant Fund provides support for Capital and Non-Capital Historic Preservation Grants as well as Museum Advancement Grants. Click here to view Press Release.
MDP Publishes 27th in its Models & Guidelines Series
Supporting Governor Martin O’Malley’s efforts to distinguish Maryland’s Smart Sustainable Growth initiatives, the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) issued its 27th publication of Models and Guidelines today. This guide, entitled "Smart Growth, Community Planning and Public School Construction," focuses on Maryland’s Public Schools Construction Program, supporting sustainable schools within planned growth and Priority Funding Areas across the state. 

Click for August 14, 2008 Press Release

Click to download Models & Guidelines #27

Maryland Heritage Areas Authority Provides 58 Grants to Heritage Tourism Sites, Activities, and Organizations Across Maryland

Non-profit groups, museums, and governments across Maryland received 58 grants totaling over $3.1 million from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) for projects and activities that support economic development through heritage tourism. Click here for press release.

Maryland Sustainable Communities Initiative to Promote Smart Growth

The Maryland Sustainable Communities Initiative is a joint program of the Maryland Departments of Planning (MDP), Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and Business and Economic Development (DBED). The initiative is a new program to advance Maryland’s efforts toward smart sustainable growth. This unique interagency initiative coordinates existing State resources to provide funding and technical assistance to eligible municipalities to assist them in meeting the increased standards for comprehensive planning, especially those required by House Bill 1141, passed by the 2006 Maryland General Assembly.

By providing resources and technical assistance, the Maryland Sustainable Communities Initiative supports towns, such as Leonardtown, with limited resources to balance economic, environmental and social needs by developing plans that meet State and local goals.

Click here for details of the Maryland Sustainable Communities Initiative

Click for the July 17th Press Release
Maryland Planning Directors Roundtable – Summer 2008 Meeting
The next quarterly meeting of Maryland Planning Directors’ Roundtable will be held Thursday, July 31, 2008 at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The theme is “Sustainability: Green and Smart Growth.” Click here for details.
July Events at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum
Click here to view July’s calendar of events at the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum (JPPM).

JPPM, a state museum of archaeology and home to the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory, is a program of the Maryland Historical Trust, a division of the Maryland Department of Planning. It is located on 560 scenic acres along the Patuxent River and the St. Leonard Creek in St. Leonard, Calvert County, Maryland. For more information about JPPM, visit
Did You Know?
It is projected that more than one million additional people will call Maryland home by 2030, a 20% population increase. As the state prepares for these new residents, its communities will face many growth and preservation challenges. The Maryland Department of Planning is providing ten vital facts and estimates that you should know. Click here to visit “Did You Know?”
MDP’s State Data Center Preps for 2010 Census; Adds More Than 120 Thousand New Addresses U. S. Census Bureau Mailing List
The State Data Center participated in the U. S. Census Bureau’s Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program. To date, Maryland is one of a few states that participated on a statewide basis. This measure leverages the State for a more complete count in the 2010 decennial census. Click here to view the Press Release
Maryland Heritage Areas Authority to Hold Hearing on Request to Enlarge the Boundaries of the Stories of the Chesapeake Heritage Area
The Maryland Heritage Areas Authority will hold a public hearing on a proposal to expand the boundaries of the Stories of the Chesapeake Heritage Area to include the Towns of Denton (Caroline County); Preston (Caroline County); Queen Anne (Queen Anne’s and Caroline Counties); Queenstown (Queen Anne’s County); and Oxford (Talbot County). Click here to view the press Release
MDP Releases Report on Future of Growth and Development on Eastern Shore

Maryland’s Eastern Shore has faced rapid growth in recent years. Over the last three decades, the Eastern Shore has experienced substantial losses in agricultural and forest lands, large increases in developed lands, worsening water quality, increased commuting times and distances and a growing population that has strained public services.

This nine county region is projected to grow by nearly 160,000 people over the next 25 years. If the Eastern Shore Region is to maintain its traditional landscape, vibrant communities and resource-based economies, visionary planning and land management must occur.

MDP’s publication, A Shore for Tomorrow, was spurred by these trends and the impact they will have on historic and cultural resources and the region’s unique character. Click here to download the report (in Adobe PDF)

February Issue of the BayStat Newsletter: Your Link to the Chesapeake Bay

One of the O'Malley Administration's first actions after coming into office was to create BayStat, an innovative program to help the State better track, target and increase accountability for its efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay. Less than a year later, this exciting tool has already improved the way our government programs work for Bay health. BayStat will help target the allocation of $50 million in new funding under the Chesapeake Bay 2010 Trust Fund to provide the most cost-effective water quality benefits.

The BayStat public website was launched in September to allow for a more transparent process and to afford every citizen access to information about our Bay's health and our work to improve it. The monthly BayStat newsletter was created to keep you up to date on our progress and to inspire you to join us in our shared work to revive the Bay that we love. Check out the February issue of the BayStat Newsletter.

First in a series of Planning Guidance Bulletins
MDP released today the first in a series of Planning Guidance Bulletins. This publication is intended to provide general guidance to counties drafting the new sensitive areas and priority preservation elements. House Bill 1141 requires that agricultural and forest lands intended for resource protection or conservation be included as part of the sensitive areas element of county comprehensive plans. House Bill 2 requires that counties seeking state certification of their agricultural land preservation program designate Priority Preservation Areas (PPAs) and add a PPA element to their comprehensive plan. Click here to open the Planning Guidance Bulletin.
Maryland Real Property Process
Maryland state government agencies often own and manage a huge portfolio of real property. In some cases, this portfolio consists of a large number of parcels. When these holdings no longer prove to be productive assets for the state, it becomes necessary to declare them surplus property – a designation that can lead to transfer or disposition. When this occurs, the State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance, or the “Clearinghouse,” steps in to administer a process that protects Maryland’s natural resources and its investments in real property by applying Smart Growth principles.

Please click here for more information.
Maryland Green Buidling Task Force Publishes Final Report
The 19-member Green Building Task Force delivered its final report to Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown, President of the Senate Thomas V. “Mike” Miller, Jr., Speaker of the House Michael E. Busch, Senator Joan Carter Conway, Chair of the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee and Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair of the House Environmental Matters Committee. The report includes a summary of Maryland’s green building efforts and offers over 35 well-informed recommendations to address this vital challenge to Maryland’s environmental sustainability. Click here for the full report
MDP Releases 2007 Annual Report

The Maryland Department of Planning released it's 2007 Annual Report today. To view the complete report click here.

Excerpt from report:
The mission of the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) is to promote “growth that fosters vibrant, livable communities, preserves and protects the environment, and makes efficient use of State resources.” Everything that we do is guided by these principles of Smart Growth.

MDP Launches a New Website for Public Access to Comprehensive Plans
The Department is proud to unveil a new site today that provides access to the proposed comprehensive plans of local jurisdictions and our comments to those plans. This new website is responsive to Governor O’Malley’s initiative to provide Marylanders open access to the workings of state government and the public process. Providing access to these plans, also known as master plans or master development plans, makes a somewhat complicated and often closed process more open to the general public. This site explains what comprehensive plans are, how they are adopted, the importance to Smart Growth and the role of the State in the process. Click here to visit the Site

To view the press release (11/13/07) click here

Maryland Public Schools Interactive Map
As part of MDP's online BRAC resources, this online tool can assist individuals relocating to Maryland to view public school locations throughout the 23 counties and Baltimore City. Users of this site can view proficiency scores and enrollment for each school as well as overlay median residential home prices for the year 2006 by census tract. Click here to enter MDP's Maryland Public Schools Interactive Map.
Maryland Launches Chesapeake BayStat Website
Maryland's BayStat website, an innovative new tool that will afford citizens greater, more immediate access to information on the health of Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, and the status of related State programs and decision making was launched on September 12, 2007. BayStat was created to advance accountability and coordination among key government agencies. The Mayland Department of Planning joins forces with the Departments of Agriculture, the Environment and Natural Resources, as well as University of Maryland, to meet monthly with the Governor and his staff to review efficiencies of the state's Bay Restoration programs. This new website is the public face of BayStat, and will continue to be added to in the coming months. Please click here to visit BayStat
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