NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region

Mid-Columbia Sub-Domain ESA Salmon Recovery Plans in Progress

May 3, 2006: NOAA Fisheries Service announced availability of the Endangered Species Act draft recovery plan for the portion of mid-Columbia steelhead within the Yakima subbasin management unit and its supplement, and requested review and comment. The comment period closed July 3.

     May 3, 2006: Federal Register notice (71FR26052) (PDF 68KB)
March 2006: NOAA Fisheries Service supplement (PDF 384KB)
      October 2005: The Yakima Subbasin Planning Board submitted a locally developed plan to NOAA Fisheries Service; under revision.

January 2006: Mid-Columbia Steelhead Early Draft Recovery Framework (REALLY large file, PDF 11.6MB): This document is an early draft of a recovery plan that identifies the conditions that led to listing of the middle Columbia River steelhead as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and to designation of critical habitat. This initial effort is an early draft recovery framework, or progress report, intended to keep interested parties informed of draft plan development. When the full draft recovery plan is ready, an extensive review will occur and the draft will be revised.

January 2006: Mid-Columbia Steelhead Gorge Management Unit Recovery Strategy (PDF 1.2MB): This document describes the status of efforts and strategy for completing a draft interim regional recovery plan for middle Columbia River steelhead in the Gorge Management Unit of southeastern Washington.

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