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See if a couple of dummies can answer your questions:

Email them to us, and we'll get right back to you. Check out the questions and answers below to see what other safety questions people have asked.Mailbox

Q:Every morning it takes forever for my mom to belt my baby sister into her car seat. Sometimes I'm almost late to school. Why do we have to go through this over and over?
A:It does take a while to properly fasten car seats into position. But think about it: your Mother is taking time to ensure that the passengers in her car are riding safely. Take a look at the pages on Airbag Safety and Safety Seats for Children. This is not only a good idea - it's the law in 50 states.

We bet she makes you put on your safety belt every morning too. You're lucky, sounds like your Mom really does know best!

Q:I ride my bike home from school every day. Sometimes it's nearly dark by the time I get home. It doesn't seem all that safe. What should I do?
A:You're right to worry about riding your bike home after dark. At night, it's difficult for drivers on the road to see you. Be sure and take a look at the Safety City's Bike Safety Section. You'll learn ways to increase your visibility, like wearing light clothing, making sure your bike has several reflectors so cars coming up behind can see you, and adding a light source to your bike. A headlamp, for example.

And Most Important: remember to bike in the right direction.


Right now there is a hot debate going on about the idea of a "Graduated Licensing System". This would mean a 3 step licensing program:

Step #1)Learning Drivers get a "Learner's Permit" - a license that allows them to drive with a supervising adult in the car.
Step #2)New drivers would get an "intermediate license". That allows them to drive during daylight hours and after 10 p.m. with an experienced driver. The intermediate license would give young drivers time to develop skills necessary to operate a motor vehicle safely. It would also not allow young drivers to drive during high-risk hours late at night.
Step #3)Full or unrestricted license.
What do you think about a new Graduated Licensing System? Would you be for it or against it?

Wrecked Car Seat With Safety Belt Child Safety Seat
Crash Testing grounds Seat Belts Car Seats

Deployed Airbag No Drinking & Driving Never Nevers
Airbag Safety Drinking and Driving Never Nevers