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GCR 06-899 Cove

Findings from the Advanced Technology Program's Survey of Joint Ventures

Jennifer O'Brien

Andrew Wang
Economic Assessment Office Advanced Technology Program

Stephanie Shipp
Economic Assessment Office Advanced Technology Program

Kathleen McTigue
Economic Assessment Office Advanced Technology Program

Contract SB1341-04-A-0009 Y2005

July 2006

Click here to view PDF version of survey.

Table of Contents

About the ATP's Economic Assessment Office (inside front cover)


  1. Motivations for Forming an ATP-supported Joint Venture
  2. ATP Support Encourages Joint Venture Formation, Ensures the Stability of Company Funding, and Fosters Trust among Joint Venture Partners
  3. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Represent New R&D Directions for Companies and Industries
  4. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Stimulate New Ideas for Research at the Company and Boost Other R&D Projects
  5. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects are Connected to University Researchers and Their Work
  6. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Are More Ambitious than Other Industry R&D Initiatives and Technically More Difficult Than Typical Company R&D Projects
  7. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Have Greater Technical Risk and Longer Time Horizons Than Typical Company R&D Projects
  8. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Successfully Exchange Technical Know-How to Accomplish Project Objectives
  9. ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects Successfully Coordinate Efforts to Accomplish Project Objectives
  10. The Structure and Governance of ATP-supported Joint Venture Projects
  11. Survey of ATP Joint Ventures: Methodology and Response Rates
  12. Characteristics of Projects and Companies that Participate in ATP Joint Ventures

Appendix: Survey of ATP Joint Ventures

About the Advanced Technology Program (inside back cover)

Date created: August 2, 2006
Last updated: September 1, 2006


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