FishNews October 29, 2008



NOAA Invites Public Input on Research and Management Plan for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges


Conservation Plan Finalized for Cook Inlet Beluga Whales


Proposal Would Revise Pollock Trip Limit Regulations

Pacific Coast

White Abalone Recovery Plan Finalized

Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico

Current Regulations Provide Protection for Striped Bass and Red Drum


Hearings on Proposed Endangered Status for Gulf of Maine Salmon; Comment Period Extended


Updates to MSRA Website

NOAA Fisheries Relocates Northeast Regional Office

Mid-Atlantic Dogfish Committee to Meet; Oct 31 by Conference Call

New England Council's Scallop Committee to Meet; Nov 3 in Warwick, RI

Gulf Council's Habitat Protection Panels to Meet; Nov 6 in Houston, TX

Councils to Hold a National Scientific and Statistical Committee Workshop; Nov 12-14 in Honolulu, HI

New England Council's Skate Committee to Meet; Nov 14 in Mansfield, MA

South Atlantic Council's Habitat and Coral Panels to Meet; Nov 17-19 in Charleston, SC

NOAA Seeks Nominations for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Advisory Panel; Deadline Nov 20

Pacific Council's Essential Fish Habitat Review Committee to Meet; Dec 9-10 in Portland, OR

Atka Mackerel Closure

Pacific Ocean Perch Closure

Reallocation of Yellowfin Sole

Alaska Groundfish Closure

Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Closure

NOAA Fisheries Actions


Today's Issues


National - NOAA Invites Public Input on Research and Management Plan for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges

NOAA has announced the availability of a Draft Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Research and Management Strategic Plan for public comment. This draft plan identifies objectives, priorities and approaches that will guide NOAA's research, management, and international activities from Fiscal Year 2009 through 2013 as they relate to deep coral and sponge ecosystems. It is intended to be a flexible, evolving document that allows new issues and priorities to be addressed as appropriate. The draft plan is presented in three sections: (I) Exploration and Research; (II) Conservation and Management; and (III) International Cooperation.

Comments on this draft may be sent to until 5pm, Eastern Standard Time, on January 15, 2009. For more information, read the announcement or contact


Alaska - Conservation Plan Finalized for Cook Inlet Beluga Whales

NOAA Fisheries has recently finalized a conservation plan for the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale, which was developed pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). This plan incorporates the latest scientific information on Cook Inlet beluga whales, as well as suggestions received from State, Federal and municipal agencies, Alaska Natives, industry and environmental groups, and interested members of the public. The conservation strategy has four components: (1) improve our understanding of the biology of Cook Inlet beluga whales and the factors limiting the population's growth; (2) stop direct losses to the population; (3) protect valuable habitat; and (4) evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies and the success of the conservation actions in restoring the Cook Inlet beluga whale population.

More information is available online, or contact Mandy Migura at (907) 271-5006.


Alaska - Proposal Would Revise Pollock Trip Limit Regulations

NOAA Fisheries has proposed to revise pollock trip limit regulations to prohibit catcher vessels from landing more than 300,000 lb of unprocessed pollock during a calendar day. This proposed rule would also prohibit a catcher vessel from landing a cumulative amount of unprocessed pollock from any Gulf of Alaska reporting area that exceeds 300,000 lb multiplied by the number of calendar days the pollock fishery is open to directed fishing in a season. The objective is to prevent catcher vessels from circumventing the intent of current trip limit regulations when making deliveries of pollock. It would continue to disperse catches of pollock in a manner that is consistent with the intent of Steller sea lion protection measures in the Gulf of Alaska.

Comments may be submitted through until November 19, 2008. For more information, contact Jeff Hartman at (907) 586-7442.


Pacific Coast - White Abalone Recovery Plan Finalized

NOAA Fisheries has announced the availability of a final recovery plan for the white abalone. This endangered gastropod is a long-lived, slow moving bottom dweller. Currently, isolated survivors have been identified along the mainland coast in Santa Barbara County and at some of the offshore islands and banks along the central California coast. NOAA's ultimate goal is to increase white abalone abundance to viable and self-sustaining levels such that the species can be downlisted to threatened status and eventually removed from the Endangered Species list.

For more information, read the news release or contact Melissa Neuman at (562) 980-4115.


Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico – Current Regulations Provide Protection for Striped Bass and Red Drum

NOAA Fisheries has determined that the regulatory requirements of Executive Order 13449, "Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations" are fulfilled. This Executive Order, signed by President Bush in October 2007, authorized the Secretary of Commerce to revise regulations as appropriate, to include the prohibition of sale of striped bass and red drum caught within the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Upon review of existing regulations, NOAA Fisheries has determined that current prohibitions on the possession and sale of striped bass and red drum caught in the EEZ achieve the intent of the Executive Order, thus no further action is warranted at this time.  

For more information, read the Federal Register notice or contact .


Northeast - Hearings on Proposed Endangered Status for Gulf of Maine Salmon; Comment Period Extended

NOAA Fisheries will hold two public hearings to answer questions on the proposals to list the Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon distinct population segment as endangered, and to designate critical habitat. The hearings will be held on November 5, 2008, from 7-9pm, in Augusta, ME, and on November 6, 2008, from 7-9pm in Brewer, ME. In addition, NOAA will offer informational sessions prior to each hearing, from 6-7pm.

The deadline for public comments on the proposal to designate critical habitat for Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon has been extended until December 5, 2008. Comments on the proposed rule to list as endangered must be received by December 2, 2008.  

More information is available at , or contact Jessica Pruden, at (978) 281-9300 ext. 6532.



Updates to MSRA Website

NOAA's Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act website has recently been updated. A new page is dedicated to deep-sea corals, and descriptions of finished projects have been added under "Other Provisions". In addition, the "Blue Book" version of the Act now includes a hyperlinked table of contents that takes readers directly to key sections for easy browsing. 

NOAA Fisheries Relocates Northeast Regional Office

NOAA Fisheries' Northeast Regional Office has relocated. The new mailing address is: 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930-2276. Staff phone numbers will remain the same. 

Mid-Atlantic Dogfish Committee to Meet; Oct 31 by Conference Call

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Dogfish Monitoring Committee will meet by conference call on October 31, 2008, from 1-3 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to review recommendations for annual catch limits and accountability measures for spiny dogfish in the 2009 fishing year. Management measures that will be discussed may include quotas and daily landings limits. For more information, read the meeting announcement.

New England Council's Scallop Committee to Meet; Nov 3 in Warwick, RI

The New England Fishery Management Council's Scallop Committee will meet November 3, 2008, at 9:30am, at the Hilton Garden Inn, One Thurber Street, in Warwick, RI. For more information, read the meeting announcement.

Gulf Council's Habitat Protection Panels to Meet; Nov 6 in Houston, TX

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will convene a public meeting of the Texas Habitat Protection Advisory Panel on November 6, 2008, at the Quality Inn Hobby Airport in Houston, TX. In addition, the Gulf Council’s Louisiana/Mississippi Habitat Protection Advisory Panel will meet on November 13, 2008 at the Hilton, 901 Airline Drive, in Kenner, LA. For more information on these meetings, contact Jeff Rester at (228) 875-5912 or read the meeting announcement.

Councils to Hold a National Scientific and Statistical Committee Workshop; Nov 12-14 in Honolulu, HI

The Eight Regional Fishery Management Councils will convene a meeting of representatives of their respective Scientific and Statistical Committees in Honolulu, HI, on November 12-14. A description of the agenda is provided in the meeting announcement.

New England Council's Skate Committee to Meet; Nov 14 in Mansfield, MA

The New England Fishery Management Council's Skate Committee will meet November 14, 2008, at the Holiday Inn, 31 Hampshire St, in Mansfield, MA. For more information, read the announcement or contact Paul Howard at (978) 465-0492.

South Atlantic Council's Habitat and Coral Panels to Meet; Nov 17-19 in Charleston, SC

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council will hold a joint meeting of its Habitat and Environmental Protection Advisory Panel and Coral Advisory Panel on November 17-19, 2008, at the Marriott Hotel in Charleston, SC. For more information, read the announcement or contact

NOAA Seeks Nominations for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Advisory Panel; Deadline Nov 20

NOAA Fisheries is soliciting nominations for the Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Advisory Panel. NOAA consults with the Advisory Panel when preparing and implementing Fishery Management Plans and amendments for Atlantic tunas, swordfish, sharks, and billfish. Nominations are being sought to fill ten seats on the Atlantic HMS Advisory Panel for a 3-year appointment. Individuals with definable interests in the recreational and commercial fishing and related industries, environmental community, academia, and non-governmental organizations will be considered for panel membership. Nominations may be sent to until November 20, 2008.

For more information, read the announcement, or contact Chris Rilling at (301) 713-2347 x109.

Pacific Council's Essential Fish Habitat Review Committee to Meet; Dec 9-10 in Portland, OR

The Pacific Fishery Management Council's ad hoc Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Review Committee will hold a work session to develop terms of reference for proposals to change areas closed to bottom contact fishing gear and for modifications to groundfish Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) and Habitat Areas of Particular Concern. The work session will take place December 9-10, 2008, at the Pacific Fishery Management Council Office in Portland, OR. For more information, contact Chuck Tracy at (503) 820-2280 or read the meeting announcement.

Atka Mackerel Closure

Directed fishing for Atka mackerel is prohibited for vessels participating in the Amendment 80 limited access fishery in the Eastern Aleutian District and Bering Sea Subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area. For more information, contact Steve Whitney at (907) 586-7269 or read the announcement.

Pacific Ocean Perch Closure

Directed fishing for Pacific ocean perch is prohibited for vessels participating in the Amendment 80 limited access fishery in the Eastern Aleutian District of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area. For more information, contact Steve Whitney at (907) 586-7269 or read the federal register announcement.

Reallocation of Yellowfin Sole

NOAA Fisheries has reallocated the projected unused amount of the 2008 yellowfin sole total allowable catch (TAC) assigned to the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands trawl limited access sector to the Amendment 80 cooperative in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area. For more information, contact Mary Furuness at (907) 586-7228 or read the federal register announcement.

Alaska Groundfish Closure

Directed fishing for groundfish is prohibited for vessels using hook-and-line gear in the Gulf of Alaska, except for demersal shelf rockfish in the Southeast Outside District or sablefish in the Gulf of Alaska. For more information, contact Josh Keaton at (907) 586-7228 or read the federal register announcement.

Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Closure

The spiny dogfish commercial quota available to the coastal states from Maine through Florida for the semi-annual quota period, November 1, 2008--April 30, 2009, has been harvested and will not open for the Period 2 fishery. Therefore, effective 0001 hours, November 1, 2008, federally permitted spiny dogfish vessels may not fish for, possess, transfer, or land spiny dogfish until May 1, 2009, when additional quota becomes available. For more information, contact or read the federal register announcement.


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For a list of all daily actions, check the Federal register online at:



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