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Statistics on Drugs and Crime

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Drugs & Crime Facts
- A summary of the latest statistics about drug-related crimes, law enforcement, courts, and corrections in the United States.

BJS Publications

For an up-to-date list of BJS publications that include information about illegal drugs and crime and criminal justice, see the bibliography of the Drugs & Crime Facts website.

The older documents listed below summarize information about drugs and crime collected through BJS's statistical programs. They frequently cite BJS publications listed under other subject areas or on the BJS publications list. This list is in chronological order with the most recent publication first. To see a full abstract of a publication with links to electronic versions of the publication, click on the title below.

Substance Dependence, Abuse, and Treatment of Jail Inmates, 2002, 7/05. Presents data from the 2002 Survey of Inmates in Local Jails on inmates’ prior use, dependence, and abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs and provides data on types of substance abuse treatment or other programs reported by jail inmates. NCJ 209588

Federal Drug Offenders, 1999 with Trends 1984-99, 8/01. Describes offenders investigated for and charged with Federal drug offenses during 1999 and trends in drug prosecutions from 1984 to 1999. NCJ 187285

Drug Use, Testing, Treatment in Jails, 5/00. Describes the drug involvement of jail inmates and the level of drug use, testing, and treatment in jails. NCJ 179999.

Substance Abuse and Treatment, State and Federal Prisoners, 1997, 12/98. Presents data from the 1997 Survey of Inmates in Adult State and Federal Correctional Facilities concerning prisoners' use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the substance abuse treatment they received. NCJ 172871

Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation, 1995, 3/98. Presents data from the 1995 Survey of Adults on Probation concerning probationers' use of alcohol and illegal drugs and substance abuse treatment they received. NCJ 166611

Drugs and Crime Facts 1994, 6/95. Summarizes 1994 data about drug-related crime; drug use by offenders at the time of offense; drug law enforcement; pretrial release of drug defendants; prosecution and sentencing of drug offenders in both Federal and State courts; recidivism of drug law violators; public opinion about drugs; drugs and juveniles; drugs and gangs; and drug use in the general population. NCJ 154043

State Drug Resources: 1994 National Directory, 10/94. Provides a comprehensive guide to State agencies addressing drug abuse concerns. NCJ 147709

Drug-Related Crime, 8/94. This Fact Sheet describes the ways drugs and crime can be related and presents statistics on drugs and crime from BJS and non-BJS sources. NCJ 149286

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